processRequestEvents([{"text":"Hilton School Calendar","link":""},{"text":"Report Cards Issued","date":"February 04, 2025"},{"text":"Presidents Day, schools closed; 12-month employees report","date":"February 17, 2025"},{"text":"Spring Individual and Class Pictures","date":"February 25, 2025"},{"text":"Half day for students; family conferences in the afternoon (held throughout the week)","date":"March 07, 2025"},{"text":"Marking Period 3 Ends","date":"April 04, 2025"},{"text":"Students half-day dismissal; teacher work day","date":"April 04, 2025"},{"text":"Spring Break, schools and offices closed","date":"April 07 - 11, 2025"},{"text":"Schools closed for students; full day teaching planning","date":"April 14, 2025"},{"text":"Report Cards Issued","date":"April 22, 2025"},{"text":"Memorial Day, schools and offices closed","date":"May 26, 2025"},{"text":"ECC, Elementary, Middle School Early Dismissal (June 6, 9, 10)","date":"June 06 - 10, 2025"},{"text":"High School Graduations (dates tentative)","date":"June 07 - 08, 2025"},{"text":"Last Student Day","date":"June 10, 2025"},{"text":"Marking Period 4 ends (reports issued)","date":"June 10, 2025"},{"text":"Last Teacher Day","date":"June 11, 2025"},{"text":"Juneteenth, schools and offices closed","date":"June 19, 2025"},{"text":"Summer operating hours; all schools and offices closed on Fridays","date":"June 20 - August 08, 2025"},]);