processRequest([{"headline":"First students in NNPS program reflect on Dual Language Immersion","blurb":"","description":"First students in NNPS program reflect on Dual Language Immersion","body":"

Ever since kindergarten, a group of Newport News Public Schools students have studied, learned and grown together as the first to enroll in the school division's Dual Language Immersion program.


The innovative learning opportunity has grown up right along with them, expanding to add grade levels and instructional opportunities. It is now offered at six NNPS schools.


\"From elementary all the way through high school, it's been a pleasure and I'm really thankful for being able to be in the program,\" said Damian Velazquez Velazquez, one of the first students.


Dual Language Immersion students learn half in English and half in Spanish, and their classes consist of native English and Spanish speakers who support one another each school day. This fosters bilingualism, biliteracy and cross-cultural understanding.


The original group of first DLI students attended Saunders Elementary School and Gildersleeve Middle School together, and are all now tenth graders at Menchville High School.


Menchville's program will expand to add the language program for eleventh graders next year, paving the way for this first group to graduate in 2027 as the first to complete it for all years of their education.


Currently, NNPS is the only Virginia school district that provides both preschool and high school DLI programs, according to Susanna Bailey, NNPS instructional supervisor of World Languages and Dual Language Immersion. It's also one of the only school districts in the state to offer the program at the preschool level.


\"We are incredibly proud of our first group of dual language students, whose dedication and perseverance have paved the way for future dual language learners,\" Bailey said. \"We celebrated their eighth-grade graduation with joy and anticipation, and we look forward to honoring their high school graduation in two years with even greater pride and celebration.\"


Students in the initial group talked about the program's benefits to their overall educational journey.


Kimberly Ayar-Lopez described how she was able to retain her first language of Spanish while becoming proficient in English, as her English as a first language classmates learned a second language.


\"I enjoy being in it and I'm glad that my Mom put me in this because my best friends are in that class,\" Ayar-Lopez said. \"I grew up with them every single year. I kept my Spanish well. I can read and write well. I can speak it well.


\"My English is good. I learned other subjects in Spanish and English. And it really did help me a lot.\"


Classmate Cameron Drew originally spoke English before being immersed in both languages throughout his K-12 years.


\"It's definitely helped because you're starting to see more people from around the world and it makes it easier to communicate,\" Drew said. \"I live in an area where there are different people, including Hispanic people. And I can communicate with them because I've been in the program.\"


Velazquez Velazquez and his classmates agreed that parents should consider enrolling their children in DLI at a young age to get the maximum benefit over their years in it.


\"I feel like I've gained valuable experience, as well as information through learning achieved through the program,\" he said. \"And I'm grateful to my parents that we're able to enter this program and it's been a great help to me.\"


Students who originally spoke each language help each other in learning the newer one.


\"We kind of just learn off of each other,\" Velazquez Velazquez said. \"I'm thankful to my peers along the way because they've really made it a lot easier to learn. We've grown up together.\"


That cohesiveness has been with them throughout and will continue after graduation.


\"I definitely feel like since some of us have been together since kindergarten, we all still feel like one family because we're always together in the same classroom together,\" said Joella Goeller, for whom English was her first language.


\"I feel like we've built a relationship where we feel comfortable asking questions to the teacher and just partnering up with who you feel comfortable with.\"


Students plan to use their bilingual skills in the job market and during travels, they said. Speaking multiple languages has become valued in an increasingly global society.


\"I want to be a registered nurse and I know that's going to help me because there are patients who speak languages other than English, for example Spanish,\" Ayar-Lopez said. \"And I know that I'm going to be able to communicate with them better.\"


With two years left to go until graduation, the small cohort represents just the start of what has each year become an increasingly larger and more multi-faceted NNPS program.


\"From my experience, it's been wonderful,\" Velazquez Velazquez said. \"And I'm thankful for it and to Ms. Bailey for being the person she is and keeping the program through high school.\"

","body2":"","publish_date":"Mar 25, 2025","image_1_path":"","image_1_caption":"","image_2_path":"250325092833333_2025-firstdlisaunders.jpg","image_2_caption":"First DLI students during a Saunders Elementary School field trip to the Virginia LIving Museum","image_3_path":"250325092833333_2025-firstdligildersleeve.jpg","image_3_caption":"First DLI students and families at their eighth grade promotion ceremony at Gildersleeve Middle School","image_4_path":"250325092833333_2025-firstdlimenchville.jpg","image_4_caption":"First DLI students now in tenth grade at Menchville High School","image_5_path":"","image_5_caption":"","url":"","news_id":"4267"},{"headline":"STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: B.C. Charles Elementary School 1st grader Lincoln Ly","blurb":"Active participant in classroom discussions","description":"Lincoln Ly is in many ways a contributing student at B.C. Charles Elementary School. First grade for him has brought lots of opportunities to learn new things, meet new friends and enjoy school.","body":"

Lincoln Ly is in many ways a contributing student at B.C. Charles Elementary School.


First grade for him has brought lots of opportunities to learn new things, meet new friends and enjoy school.


\"I like learning to read,\" Ly said.


His favorite subjects are math and art.


Lincoln is described as an outgoing student who loves talking with his friends. He's an active participant in classroom discussions, respectful and a friend to others in his class.


\"They enjoy working together if it's a group activity or a partner activity,\" said Ann-Marie Post, a first grade teacher at B.C. Charles. \"He likes working with his friends or classmates.\"


Elementary education in NNPS focuses on the basic skills that students need in the early years as they learn how to learn. Students study the integrated language arts of reading, writing, speaking and listening; as well as math science, social studies, health and physical education, art and music at one of the city's 24 elementary schools.


In most cases, elementary school students attend the school closest to their home. Parents also have the choice of applying for their student to attend one of the division's magnet schools.


Ly's turn as a star student in his class came with a week of celebrating his unique interests.


\"He was chosen star student for following rules; he does his homework every night,\" Post said. \"So for doing his work and being on task and those types of things. And then they share something about their family. They share pictures of their family. Their friends ask them questions about their family and things like that.


\"They get a show and tell day, a secret object where they bring in something and the kids guess what they have. They bring in their favorite book to share.\"


Unified under the same goal of preparing students to graduate college, career and citizen-ready, each NNPS elementary school has its own special features created by teachers and staff. Students connect to their classmates and role models through these varied positive interactions each day.


B.C. Charles' mantra is Reach for the Stars and daily activities tie back to that theme. Post's class keeps tallies for following rules and students get rewards when the class reaches its goal.


\"That all includes being respectful and kind, and helpful and doing their work every day,\" Post said.


Ly added that he likes playing outside at recess, kicking a ball around with his friends on the school's field.


\"I like playing soccer,\" he said.


Visit Student Spotlights on the Newport News Public Schools website.

","publish_date":"Mar 20, 2025","image_1_path":"250320091554354_lincoln.jpg","image_1_caption":"","image_2_path":"250320091554354_LyLincoln.jpg","image_2_caption":"","image_3_path":"","image_3_caption":"","image_4_path":"","image_4_caption":"","image_5_path":"","image_5_caption":"","url":"","news_id":"4266"},{"headline":"First NNPS Senior Rally was filled with motivation, high energy and fun","blurb":"","description":"Seniors gearing up for graduation in June gathered for motivation and celebration as Newport News Public Schools held its inaugural Senior Rally on March 18 at Christopher Newport University's Freeman Center.","body":"

Seniors gearing up for graduation in June gathered for motivation and celebration as Newport News Public Schools held its inaugural Senior Rally on March 18 at Christopher Newport University's Freeman Center.


The centerpiece of the rally was guest speaker Dr. Adolph Brown, III, whose down-to-earth approach brought real stories and lessons to take away from the event. He worked the basketball court floor surrounded by a sea of Senior Rally T-shirts in school colors, signs and expressive student style from all corners of the city on display.


The day's lineup featured a DJ and music for dancing, cheering and pumping up school and senior spirit throughout. Cheerleaders from various schools kicked it off with a unity cheer.


Newport News School Board Vice Chair Dr. Terri Best welcomed all in attendance and introduced CNU President William Kelly, who gave his own warm welcome and encouraged students to stay close to home and consider attending CNU.


Woodside High School senior Dylan Tydmore introduced Brown.


\"Now get ready to travel on a journey of rags to riches whereby Dr. Brown understood that 'the more he learned, the more he earned. And that skills pay bills.'\" Tydmore said.


\"He's not a speaker, he's a master teacher, a clinical and educational psychologist, a professor and dean, a business owner, a husband and father of eight, and most importantly, he's been where you are. But he wants you to know that you don't have to stay where you are.\"


Brown's interactive presentation mixed advice and personal stories from his own life with choosing students in the audience to answer questions about their own plans or to help communicate his message. He stressed discipline and doing difficult things regardless of possible excuses.


\"I have three ups,\" Brown said. \"Show up, stay up and never give up.\"


His description of students' K-12 education was of a launching pad that teachers and administrators have given to them.


\"All you have to do is fly,\" Brown said.


NNPS Superintendent Dr. Michele Mitchell's closing remarks included the expectation that every senior in the room at the time will graduate in June. Seniors participated in several games, grabbed lunch and visited with on-site vendors before returning to their schools.



","body2":"","publish_date":"Mar 19, 2025","image_1_path":"","image_1_caption":"","image_2_path":"25031908140131_Senior Rally 1.jpg","image_2_caption":"","image_3_path":"25031908140131_Senior Rally 2.jpg","image_3_caption":"","image_4_path":"25031908140131_Senior Rally 3.jpg","image_4_caption":"","image_5_path":"25031908140131_Senior Rally 4.jpg","image_5_caption":"","url":"","news_id":"4265"},{"headline":"NNPS teams excel at Regional Odyssey of the Mind competition","blurb":"","description":"An Achievable Dream Academy, McIntosh Elementary School, Yates Elementary School, B.T. Washington Middle School and Warwick High School each earned top honors for their outstanding performances at the 2025 Regional Odyssey of the Mind Tournament on March 15 at Menchville High School.","body":"

An Achievable Dream Academy, McIntosh Elementary School, Yates Elementary School, B.T. Washington Middle School and Warwick High School each earned top honors for their outstanding performances at the 2025 Regional Odyssey of the Mind Tournament on March 15 at Menchville High School.


Warwick and B. T. Washington will advance to compete at the Virginia State Odyssey of the Mind Tournament at Menchville on April 26.


This year, Newport News Public Schools welcomed teams from across the Commonwealth of Virginia as it hosted a combined tournament for Region 4 (Piedmont), Region 6 (Tidewater/Hampton Roads) and Region 10 (Rappahannock).


Odyssey of the Mind is a creative problem-solving competition that challenges students to think innovatively and work collaboratively. The international creative problem-solving competition challenges students to develop innovative solutions to complex problems.


Teams work together over several months to tackle long-term problems that incorporate engineering, artistic design and storytelling. Along the way, participants strengthen their critical and creative thinking, teamwork, time management and presentation skills.


Teams collaborate to tackle one of six long-term problems and also participate in a spontaneous competition.


In Problem 3, Cooking with Books, classic cooking took on a new meaning as teams created a performance about an original chef character that is inspired by fictional literary characters and events. Teams chose from selected classic literature and created a gourmet meal based on their chosen book. Yates, coached by Susan Kirkpatrick and Elizabeth Schley, placed 2nd; An Achievable Dream Academy, coached by Sara Betzold, placed 3rd and Warwick, coached by Aja Bradley, placed 2nd.


In Problem 5, AstronOMical Odyssey, teams created a humorous performance set in a team-created \"historical\" civilization that presented constellations and original stories explaining each one. McIntosh, coached by Lolita Clark placed 2nd and B. T. Washington, coached by Laura Nelson-Rogers, placed 1st.

","body2":"","publish_date":"Mar 18, 2025","image_1_path":"","image_1_caption":"","image_2_path":"250318123450350_AADA.jpg","image_2_caption":"An Achievable Dream Academy","image_3_path":"250318123450350_BTWashington.jpg","image_3_caption":"B.T. Washington Middle School","image_4_path":"250318123450350_McIntosh.jpg","image_4_caption":"McIntosh Elementary","image_5_path":"250318123450350_Warwick.jpg","image_5_caption":"Warwick High School","url":"","news_id":"4264"},{"headline":"NNPS student work honored at Tidewater Science and Engineering Fair","blurb":"","description":"NNPS student work honored at Tidewater Science and Engineering Fair","body":"

Newport News Public Schools students participated in the Tidewater Science and Engineering Fair on March 8 at the Old Dominion University Webb Center.


Numerous students placed at the competition, with first place winners qualifying to advance to the Virginia State Science and Engineering Fair in April at ODU Chartway Arena, and Thermo Fisher Outstanding Project Award winners becoming eligible to compete in the Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge national competition.


2025 Tidewater Science and Engineering Fair Results


Junior General Categories


Biological Sciences


Engineering Technology and Energy


Materials Science


Senior General Categories




Environmental Engineering

\r\n","body2":"","publish_date":"Mar 12, 2025","image_1_path":"","image_1_caption":"","image_2_path":"250312102924324_2025-washingtonhenrybennett.jpg","image_2_caption":"Henry Bennett, Booker T. Washington Middle School","image_3_path":"","image_3_caption":"","image_4_path":"","image_4_caption":"","image_5_path":"","image_5_caption":"","url":"","news_id":"4263"},{"headline":"NNPS archers qualify for nationals","blurb":"","description":"NNPS archers qualify for nationals","body":"

Newport News Public Schools archery teams and individual archers had a strong showing at the Virginia National Archery in the Schools Program State Tournament on March 8 in Doswell.


Multiple teams and individuals qualified for the U.S. Eastern Nationals May 8-10 in Louisville, Kentucky. Richneck Elementary School's team was the only one from NNPS to qualify for nationals as a team in both the Bullseye and 3D events.


In the Bullseye tournament, archers showcased skill, precision and determination, bringing home impressive finishes across all divisions.


Richneck took 3rd place in the team standings. Richneck fifth grader Ava Crawford placed 2nd and B.C. Charles Elementary School fifth grader Sophia Coberly took 3rd place in the elementary girls division.


B.C. Charles Elementary School finished 5th among elementary schools. In the middle school division, Gildersleeve placed 7th with Ella Fitzgerald coming in 8th. Menchville High School secured a 5th place finish in the high school division.


Individual archers from Warwick High, Denbigh High and Yates Elementary also stepped up to the challenge, representing NNPS with pride.


In the 3D Challenge, Richneck showed its consistency by placing 3rd, with Crawford earning a 2nd place medal in the elementary girls division. B.C. Charles took 4th and Yates 8th place. Ella Fitzgerald notched a 7th place showing in the middle school division. Menchville came in a strong 5th place in the high school division.


Qualifiers for NASP National Tournament





\r\n","body2":"","publish_date":"Mar 10, 2025","image_1_path":"","image_1_caption":"","image_2_path":"250310022818318_2025-richneckavacrawford.jpg","image_2_caption":"Richneck student Ava Crawford took 2nd place in the elementary girls division of both competitions","image_3_path":"250310022818318_2025-richneckarcheryteam.jpg","image_3_caption":"Richneck Elementary School Archery Team","image_4_path":"250321100648348_2025-menchvillearchery.jpg","image_4_caption":"Menchville High School's Archery Team","image_5_path":"250321101236336_2025-fitzgeraldarchery.jpg","image_5_caption":"EFMS Archery","url":"","news_id":"4261"},{"headline":"STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: Ella Fitzgerald Middle School 6th grader Isabella Norman","blurb":"Fosters a positive school climate for others","description":"Numerous positive interactions with others throughout the day come together to formulate the school experience Isabella Norman wants for herself and other students.","body":"

Numerous positive interactions with others throughout the day come together to formulate the school experience Isabella Norman wants for herself and other students.


Norman, a 6th grader at Ella Fitzgerald Middle School, appreciates the benefits of a peaceful and productive learning environment. She sees the example she sets as one integral piece in making it so.


\"My goals for the school year are to have a peaceful learning experience and to give back to the school community by helping others solve problems,\" Norman said. \"I want to help others better their grades and improve in class. I also would like to be a good friend to others who need a helping hand or shoulder when they are down.\"


She acclimated quickly after transitioning to middle school by thinking of the bright side and introducing herself to people, she said.


\"I just started giving my number to people and they gave me their number,\" Norman said. \"And then thinking more positively, it always has a positive outcome unlike thinking negative thoughts.\"


That experience led her to realize how many students either new to the school or new to 6th grade could use some guidance, so she became a student ambassador at Ella Fitzgerald. She doesn't want anybody to feel left out and feels very badly, for example, if a student is sitting alone at lunch.


\"I feel like helping them, to make them more confident around school instead of just looking down at the ground,\" Norman said. \"I feel it's really important, especially when that could also affect their grades possibly. It could have so many negative effects.\"


Norman's schedule is filled with opportunities to influence students and staff at school and in the local community.


She serves as Student Council Association secretary at Fitzgerald and as treasurer of World Changers-Newport News, a youth civic engagement program that is part of Alternatives, Inc. Norman is very involved in numerous sports both in and outside of school.


Her middle school experience has been great so far partly because the staff at Ella Fitzgerald have been so friendly and helpful, she said. Quiet classrooms, orderly hallways and a few new rules to enhance that atmosphere each get a thumbs up from her.


\"I know the staff really well and they're all so nice,\" Norman said.


She would like to find ways to mediate or educate fellow students to help reduce conflicts and divisions among classmates. Her confidence and assertiveness are qualities that will be useful there.


\"I'm not afraid to speak up for myself and others,\" Norman said. \"I always try to keep myself composed and to stay neutral in most situations.\"


Visit Student Spotlights on the Newport News Public Schools website.

","publish_date":"Mar 06, 2025","image_1_path":"250306103349349_isabella.jpg","image_1_caption":"","image_2_path":"250306103349349_NormanIsabella.jpg","image_2_caption":"","image_3_path":"","image_3_caption":"","image_4_path":"","image_4_caption":"","image_5_path":"","image_5_caption":"","url":"","news_id":"4258"},{"headline":"Warwick wins Blue Crab Bowl 2025","blurb":"","description":"Warwick wins Blue Crab Bowl 2025","body":"

Warwick High School's team won Blue Crab Bowl 2025, which is Virginia's regional competition of the National Ocean Sciences Bowl, on March 1 at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science in Gloucester.


The Blue Crab Bowl showcases some of the Commonwealth's most talented science students as they display their mastery of oceanic knowledge. In February of each year, up to 16 teams from Virginia high schools compete in the contest.


The 27th annual competition was held February 28 through March 1 at VIMS, which co-sponsors the event with Old Dominion University. Warwick finished first among participating teams, which included public, private and governor's schools some of which focus specifically on marine science, according to VIMS.


Warwick advanced to the NOSB National Finals Competition on May 17 and 18 on Zoom.


The Raiders team consisted of captain Wayne Riddle, a 12th grader, as well as fellow seniors Elajah Jones, Rudolph Vazquez-Lozada, Gwenyth Conaway, Darwin Roblero-DeLeon and 11th grader Elmer Sierra-Velasquez.


In this academic competition, students answer multiple-choice, short-answer and long-answer analytical questions drawn from scientific and technical ocean science disciplines. Topics covered include biology, chemistry, physics and geology, as well as maritime history, marine policy and current events.


\"The competition is a mix of biology, chemistry, physics, history, technology, and policy questions,\" said Warwick team adviser Tristan Rivera, a science teacher who serves as STEM lead at Warwick. \"The students used their strengths in those areas to make a well-rounded team.\"


The competition motivates students to expand their interest in marine science to include often overlooked aspects like technology and policy, he added. Focusing on specific aspects of marine science, along with interacting with marine science professionals, affords them the opportunity to see how technology, policy and specialized sciences interact and complement one another in the real world, according to Rivera.


\"Working as a team builds self-confidence and develops cooperative skills that are essential in post-high school studies, especially in scientific research,\" Rivera said.

","body2":"","publish_date":"Mar 05, 2025","image_1_path":"","image_1_caption":"","image_2_path":"250305032114314_2025-warwickbluecardbowl.jpg","image_2_caption":"","image_3_path":"","image_3_caption":"","image_4_path":"","image_4_caption":"","image_5_path":"","image_5_caption":"","url":"","news_id":"4257"},{"headline":"Public Hearing on Proposed Operating Budget","blurb":"Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. in the Auditorium of the NNPS Administration Building","description":"Public Hearing on Proposed Operating Budget","body":"

The Newport News School Board is seeking public comment on the proposed operating budget for the 2025-2026 school year.


The proposed budget is available for review here.

\r\nComments may be submitted online at","body2":"","publish_date":"Mar 04, 2025","image_1_path":"","image_1_caption":"","image_2_path":"250304082134334_2025-socialpublichearingproposedbudget.jpg","image_2_caption":"","image_3_path":"","image_3_caption":"","image_4_path":"","image_4_caption":"","image_5_path":"","image_5_caption":"","url":"","news_id":"4254"},{"headline":"Menchville student wins Distinguished Trailblazers in the Sciences competition","blurb":"","description":"Menchville student wins Distinguished Trailblazers in the Sciences competition","body":"

Sahasra Vishwanathan, a ninth grader at Menchville High School, was selected as the first place winner for high school students in the 2025 Distinguished Trailblazers in the Sciences Competition.


The objective of the competition is to highlight scientists and engineers from underrepresented minority groups who have excelled in or contributed to the fields of nuclear science, accelerator science and accelerator engineering. The contest was sponsored by Michigan State University, its Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, and the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility under the Student Training and Engagement Program for Undergraduates in Physics.


Contest entrants chose a scientist to learn about and shared that knowledge by creating an original artistic design expression, personalized poem, musical performance, video or poster to highlight their selected trailblazer.


Judges cited Vishwanathan's \"unique creativity, innovation, and originality\" in announcing her as the winner. The award was presented in a ceremony on Zoom on February 26.


Vishwanathan's winning entry was a video presentation about Dr. Katalin Kariko and fellow University of Pennsylvania Professor Dr. Drew Weissman, who won the 2023 Nobel Prize in Medicine for research that enabled the platform used to rapidly develop lifesaving vaccines amid the global COVID-19 pandemic.


\"Thank you so much to the Distinguished Trailblazers Science Competition of 2025 for providing me with the opportunity to express and showcase amazing scientists in our present day, or I should say, my role models,\" Vishwanathan said.


The competition was meaningful for her because it helps guide her future path, she said, thanking Menchville STEM lead teacher Dr. Michael Shumate for providing the opportunity to participate in the competition.


\"I chose Dr. Katalin Kariko and Dr. Drew Weissman for my project, as they inspired me throughout the tough times we faced during our most recent pandemic, COVID-19,\" Vishwanathan said. \"We tend to praise people from the past. Although this is an important aspect, I believe it is important to cherish and embark on scientists who are still here with us today, and continue to help us throughout modern-day challenges.


\"Dr. Katalin Kariko inspired my work, which is displayed in this competition today.\"

","body2":"","publish_date":"Feb 27, 2025","image_1_path":"","image_1_caption":"","image_2_path":"250227092547247_2025-sahasravishwanathan.png","image_2_caption":"Sahasra Vishwanathan with official notification of her Trailblazers award","image_3_path":"","image_3_caption":"","image_4_path":"","image_4_caption":"","image_5_path":"","image_5_caption":"","url":"","news_id":"4253"},{"headline":"Statement Reaffirming Commitment to Public Safety, Education, and Due Process for All Residents","blurb":"","description":"Statement Reaffirming Commitment to Public Safety, Education, and Due Process for All Residents","body":"","body2":"","publish_date":"Feb 07, 2025","image_1_path":"","image_1_caption":"","image_2_path":"","image_2_caption":"","image_3_path":"","image_3_caption":"","image_4_path":"","image_4_caption":"","image_5_path":"","image_5_caption":"","url":"","news_id":"4241"},{"headline":"Reafirmando el compromiso con la seguridad publica, la educacion y el debido proceso para todos los residentes","blurb":"","description":"Reafirmando el compromiso con la seguridad p�ºblica, la educaci�³n y el debido proceso para todos los residentes","body":"null","body2":"","publish_date":"Feb 07, 2025","image_1_path":"","image_1_caption":"","image_2_path":"","image_2_caption":"","image_3_path":"","image_3_caption":"","image_4_path":"","image_4_caption":"","image_5_path":"","image_5_caption":"","url":"","news_id":"4240"}]);