processRequest([{"headline":"Students read work, receive awards for art-inspired poetry","blurb":"","description":"Students read work, receive awards for art-inspired poetry","body":"
Students read from their poetry submissions and place winners were recognized at the Artistic Verses Student Readings and Awards Ceremony on February 15 at the Mary M. Torggler Fine Arts Center at Christopher Newport University.
\r\nNewport News Mayor Phillip Jones gave welcoming remarks at the event celebrating the collaborative partnership between Newport News Public Schools and CNU, which is in its 31st year.
\r\nEach year, students from each high school have the opportunity to view an art exhibition and engage in a poetry writing workshop with local poet Nathan Richardson. Students wrote original poems inspired by the artwork and submitted them for judging by the NNPS Secondary English Team.
\r\nThe event featured each student reading his or her poem, families and attendees getting the opportunity to view the artwork that inspired the poetry and the announcement of winners. A grant from the Newport News Education Foundation was used to award gift cards to each of the place winners.
\r\nArtistic Verses 2025 Contest Winners
\r\n1st place
\r\n \"Candied Candelabra Confinement\" by Cameron Brown
\r\n Woodside High School
\r\n Artistic Inspiration: Diadem
\r\n2nd place
\r\n \"Whispers of Glass\" by Talasha Daniels
\r\n Woodside High School
\r\n Artistic Inspiration: Of whether possible or how to \"lift the world out, and up beyond things that have bodies and walls\"
\r\n3rd place (tie)
\r\n \"Mosaic\" by Molly Weisiger
\r\n Menchville High School
\r\n Artistic Inspiration: Root and Shrub
\r\n\"Nostalgia\" by Sumyah Tate
\r\n An Achievable Dream High School
\r\n Artistic Inspiration: When Henny...lost a penny
\r\nHonorable mentions
\r\n\"The Rhythm of My Beauty\" by Helai Momand
\r\n Denbigh High School
\r\n Artistic Inspiration: Six Beats of My Heart at the Scale of My Body
\r\n\"Memories of a Young Girl\" by Ka'liyah Johnson
\r\n Warwick High School
\r\n Artistic Inspiration: Root and Shrub
\r\n\"The Girl in the Mirror\" by Brielle Johnson
\r\n Woodside High School
\r\n Artistic Inspiration: Mint Green Baroque
\r\n\"Until My Very Last Breath\" by Celeste Hill
\r\n Denbigh High School
\r\n Artistic Inspiration: Six Beats of My Heart at the Scale of My Body
","body2":"","publish_date":"Feb 18, 2025","image_1_path":"","image_1_caption":"","image_2_path":"250218122142242_2025-artisticverses1.jpg","image_2_caption":"1st Place Winner Cameron Brown, Woodside High School","image_3_path":"250218122142242_2025-artisticverses3.jpg","image_3_caption":"Newport News Mayor Phillip Jones delivers welcoming remarks","image_4_path":"250218121857257_2025-artisticverses2.jpg","image_4_caption":"Students who participated in Artistic Verses with local poet Nathan Richardson (front row, center), who served as workshop facilitator","image_5_path":"","image_5_caption":"","no_link":"","url":"","news_id":"4247"},{"headline":"Statement Reaffirming Commitment to Public Safety, Education, and Due Process for All Residents","blurb":"","description":"Statement Reaffirming Commitment to Public Safety, Education, and Due Process for All Residents","body":"","body2":"","publish_date":"Feb 07, 2025","image_1_path":"","image_1_caption":"","image_2_path":"","image_2_caption":"","image_3_path":"","image_3_caption":"","image_4_path":"","image_4_caption":"","image_5_path":"","image_5_caption":"","no_link":"","url":"","news_id":"4241"},{"headline":"Reafirmando el compromiso con la seguridad publica, la educacion y el debido proceso para todos los residentes","blurb":"","description":"Reafirmando el compromiso con la seguridad p�ºblica, la educaci�³n y el debido proceso para todos los residentes","body":"null","body2":"","publish_date":"Feb 07, 2025","image_1_path":"","image_1_caption":"","image_2_path":"","image_2_caption":"","image_3_path":"","image_3_caption":"","image_4_path":"","image_4_caption":"","image_5_path":"","image_5_caption":"","no_link":"","url":"","news_id":"4240"},{"headline":"Magnet and Specialty Programs at NNPS","blurb":"","description":"Magnet and Specialty Programs at NNPS","body":"","body2":"","publish_date":"Jan 03, 2025","image_1_path":"","image_1_caption":"","image_2_path":"","image_2_caption":"","image_3_path":"","image_3_caption":"","image_4_path":"","image_4_caption":"","image_5_path":"","image_5_caption":"","no_link":"","url":"","news_id":"4225"},{"headline":"High School at NNPS","blurb":"","description":"High School at NNPS","body":"null","body2":"","publish_date":"Jan 02, 2025","image_1_path":"","image_1_caption":"","image_2_path":"","image_2_caption":"","image_3_path":"","image_3_caption":"","image_4_path":"","image_4_caption":"","image_5_path":"","image_5_caption":"","no_link":"","url":"","news_id":"4226"},]);