Student Transportation
Shay V. Coates
Executive Director, Transportation
(757) 881-5052
Sharon L. Moore
Operations Supervisor, Transportation
(757) 881-5052
NNPS school bus drivers are offered competitive pay, flexible hours and generous benefits. Job seekers 19 and older can call (757) 881-5061 for more information.
Student Transportation
Newport News Public Schools’ user-friendly Bus Stops and Zones Webquery system allows parents and students to input a home address and grade level to determine the bus stop closest to the home address. In addition to providing a listing of scheduled bus stops and the approximate walking distance from the home, parents and students may view a neighborhood map. Please contact your child's school with bus stop questions.
Bus stop information for the school year, including locations and pick up and drop off times, will be posted online in August.
During the first week of school, students should arrive at the bus stop 15 minutes before the published stop time. If the bus has not arrived by the published stop time, students are asked to remain at the bus stop for another 15 minutes. If the bus has not arrived by then, please call your school for assistance. After the first week of school, students should arrive at the bus stop 10 minutes before stop time. Please keep a lookout and be prepared to stop. Passing a stopped school bus is against the law!
- Arrive at the bus stop 15 minutes before the stop time. (Run times may vary significantly during the first week of school until all students have registered and adjustments are made due to construction, traffic and final student loads.)
- If you have any questions about bus stops, please call your child's school. Each school's phone number is listed at the top of its bus stop page.
The community office of the Police Department works with NNPS to keep kids safe at bus stops. To this end, they have provided the following information on bus logs:
Here Comes the Bus

Here Comes the Bus allows families to view the real-time location of their child's school bus on a smartphone, tablet or computer.
- See the location of your child's bus both before and after school.
- Confirm that your child's bus has arrived at the bus stop, at school or both.
- Receive a "push notification" (available on iPhone & Android devices) or email message when the bus is a certain distance from the bus stop.
Available in three languages (English, Spanish and French), the Here Comes the Bus app can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play. There is a fee for the app; basic access on the website is free. To sign up, visit and enter account number 74046 and your student's NNPS ID number. Questions about Here Comes the Bus? Please contact us.
Student IDs Required on Bus
All students will be required to wear a student ID every school day while on the school bus and on the school campus. Starting in August 2024, new IDs will be issued to all students at the beginning of the new school year. They will replace the T-Pass, so students who ride an NNPS school bus to and from school will be able to scan their student ID as they board and exit the school bus. Read more
Bus Stop Safety
- NNPS Bus Stop Rules
- Arrive on time with school supplies in backpack.
- Walk as far off the road as possible, to the left, facing traffic.
- Accept a ride only if your parents or school officials have approved.
- Be alert to driveways, alleys, parked cars, and turning cars.
- Wait quietly and as far from road as possible.
- Check traffic, wait for driver's signal to board, check traffic again.
- Know the danger zone: walk at least 10 giant steps away from the bus.
- Form single line and use handrail to board.
- Move directly to seat, sit facing front, and hold belongings in lap.
- Keep aisle clear and keep arms, legs and head inside bus.
- Speak quietly, and talk to the driver only in emergencies.
- Get bus driver's permission before picking up an item you have dropped outside the bus.