Advanced Placement®

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Our Advanced Placement® (AP) program prepares students for post-secondary success.

The Newport News Public Schools Advanced Placement® (AP) program prepares students for post-secondary success. To prepare students for high school and beyond, the school division is taking steps to develop challenging and rigorous coursework for all students.

The AP Examinations Program is a service provided by College Board. High school students may take college-level examinations each spring and, depending upon their scores, may be awarded college credit and/or advanced placement at participating colleges and universities. All NNPS students who take AP courses must take the corresponding AP test in order to earn the full weighted credit for the course. Newport News Public Schools will pay for AP tests to be given to all students enrolled in appropriate courses.

AP Examinations are administered in May of each year. In June, the examinations are graded on a five-point scale:

  • 5 = extremely well qualified;
  • 4 = well qualified;
  • 3 = qualified;
  • 2 = possibly qualified; and
  • 1 = no recommendation.

In July, the scores are sent to the students, their designated colleges, and their home schools. Colleges that participate in the Advanced Placement® Examinations Program will then consider full or partial credit for scores of three or better.

Students enrolled in an AP course must work at an AP level throughout the course and put forth their best effort on the tests to be successful. The benefits of taking Advanced Placement® courses include:

  • getting a head start on college-level work
  • improving writing skills and sharpening problem-solving techniques
  • developing the study habits necessary for tackling rigorous course work
  • studying subjects in greater depth and detail
  • the opportunity to earn credit or advanced standing at participating colleges and universities

Visit the College Board website for more information:

Why Take AP Courses?

Advanced Placement® courses are college-level courses developed by the College Board, a not-for-profit association whose mission is to connect students to college success and opportunity. AP tests are administered though the College Board and scored by an independent party. AP courses also:

  • improve writing skills and problem-solving techniques
  • develop study habits necessary for tackling rigorous coursework
  • provide students with a greater level of depth and detail in the subject areas

Additionally, students who score a 3 (out of 5) or higher on an AP exam may be eligible for college credit.

Data has shown that students who have taken at least one AP course are twice as likely to complete college than students who have not taken any AP courses.

Ten Reasons to Encourage Students to Take AP Courses

  1. Students study a subject in greater depth and are in classes with other students who are enthusiastic about sharing ideas and concepts in academically challenging ways.

  2. Students who take AP courses are more prepared to do college work because they have learned and practiced important learning and study skills.

  3. Students who succeed in AP courses and exams know that they have the ability to succeed in college, which helps them have the confidence to take more difficult and demanding courses.

  4. Students who are successful in AP courses often enter college as sophomores. Over 1,400 institutions in the United States grant a full year's credit to students who have enough credits from taking AP courses and exams.

  5. Students who take AP courses often look at things differently. They often have experiences that broaden their horizons and provide them with new insights into their own skills and interests.

  6. Newport News Public Schools pays for all costs associated with AP examinations.

  7. Students who take AP courses improve their chances of getting into competitive colleges.

  8. Students who take AP courses and exams increase their options at college. They may be able to take upper level courses in their field of interest or complete their undergraduate degrees in less than four years, thus saving money on college tuition.

  9. Students who excel in AP courses may receive a Scholar Award from the College Board.

  10. Most importantly, students who take AP courses know that they have mastered rigorous academic courses. This knowledge may encourage them to take academic risks that result in significant accomplishments in college and throughout their lives.