Dual Language Immersion Families

We know that our best resource for building a positive educational experience for all students is by partnering with our families.
We encourage you to celebrate your child's emerging bilingualism and to remind your child to be patient with the language acquisition process. Remind your child that it takes 7-10 years to become fluent in another language and the best way to learn is to watch their teacher for content and language support, to pay attention in class, and to complete any homework that may be assigned.

The Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) is a Title VI Language Resource Center devoted to improving language teaching and learning.

Bilingual Kidspot is an informative website and blog offering practical advice for parents seeking to raise bilingual kids and little global citizens.

NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements
This resource provides a deeper understanding of language proficiency levels.

This site is a Spanish language resource area for parents that is designed especially for parents of preschool and kindergarten children.

This site is available in English and Spanish and is designed to help you support your child's grade-level progress and well-being.