English as a Second Language at NNPS
Bruno Morales
ESL Instructional Supervisor
(757) 283-7850 x.10251
Fax: (757) 595-7522
ESL Resources

VDOE English Learner Education
The Virginia Department of Education provides important information and links to resources that support all educators in providing instruction and services to English Learners (ELs) across the content areas. (800)292-3820

U.S. Office of Civil Rights (OCR)
OCR's mission is to ensure equal access to education and to promote educational excellence through vigorous enforcement of civil rights in our nation's schools. (877)696-6775

Letter regarding English Learner Students and Limited English Proficient Parents. (202)514-2000 DOJ Facts for ESL Families

ESL Reading for English Language Learners
The site includes original and adapted versions of classic texts, including ghost stories, adventure stories, comic stories, poems, and podcasts.

This is a free commercial site with phrases for conversation; lots of listening, speaking, reading and writing exercises, grammar explanations, ideas for teaching and links to other ESL/ESOL/ELL sites. It includes audio, pictures, handouts, and quizzes. All materials are free to ESL students and teachers, and are categorized by skill and level.

U.S. Department of Education OELA
The U.S. Department of Education's Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA) provides national leadership to help ensure that English Learners and immigrant students attain English proficiency and achieve academic success. (800)872-5327

World Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA)
WIDA provides language development resources to those who support the academic success of multilingual learners.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
The Citizenship Resource Center has a collection of helpful resources and free study materials for a variety of users.

ESL Lesson Plans and Resources
A straightforward, comprehensive list of lesson plans and practical, teacher-oriented ESL/ESOL/ELL resources.