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Gifted General Intellectual Aptitude (GIA) Program

Full-time gifted programs for students in third through eighth grades are housed in several elementary and middle schools throughout the city. Our high school program offers opportunities for students to explore honors and Advanced Placement coursework.  Students may also enroll in the Early College and Dual Enrollment courses.  Specific programs such as in International Baccalaureate Program and The Governor’s School for Science and Technology offer a rigorous programs of study. 

The general intellectual aptitude (GIA) gifted program is for students who have qualified through the gifted screening and identification process. These students need the challenge of a curriculum with highest rigor and expectations that will meet the students’ social, emotional, and academic needs. Students who qualify for the intellectually gifted sites are grouped together in classrooms with other gifted students where they work at an accelerated pace in all core subject areas, as well as engage in additional differentiated learning lessons and activities.

This program requires students to perform to their ability, to think, to stretch, and to assume responsibility for their learning. To meet the diverse needs of students identified for gifted services, teachers utilize strategies such as subject acceleration, curriculum compacting, tiered instruction which provides challenge and complexity, advanced materials as appropriate, and opportunities for independent study and research related to core curriculum concepts. Among the specialized studies included in the curriculum are problem-based learning, abstract thinking, research skills, productive thinking units, and literature selections that encourage critical reading and thinking skills.

Students are expected to demonstrate respect for individual differences among peers within their class and to accept the challenge of the Intellectual program. Students who experience difficulty meeting the requirements of the program will be monitored closely and may be re-evaluated to determine the most appropriate educational setting.

Gifted Site Assignment and Transportation

A student is assigned to elementary and middle school gifted sites are based on the student’s mailing address. Transportation to a zoned gifted site is provided for all students living within Newport News. For students with an approved administrative transfer, transportation is the responsibility of the parent. Parents are not permitted to select a gifted site for their child to attend.  Transportation is also provided to students accepted to the International Baccalaureate Program and The Governor’s School for Science and Technology.

Screening and Eligibility

Students in third through twelfth grades may be recommended for evaluation by teachers, parents, principals or others with related expertise. A screening process is employed to assure that all students in need of gifted services are identified.

In addition to those students specifically recommended for evaluation, second grade students are screened for possible placement in the Gifted Services program. Students take an aptitude test to determine possible eligibility. The aptitude test is given in the classroom during the regular school day. The criteria used for eligibility are:

  • aptitude tests
  • teacher evaluation of student’s gifted characteristics
  • parent evaluation of child’s gifted characteristics
  • instructional level and performance of the student in the areas of reading, math, science and social studies (most recent grades)
  • other data as needed

Parents are notified by letter of the final placement decision.

Note: The International Baccalaureate Program and The Governor’s School for Science and Technology Program have separate applications.