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Secondary Mathematics Courses


  • Course Number: MA6310, MA6410
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Grade Level: 6
  • Students are transitioned from the emphasis placed on whole number arithmetic in the elementary grades to foundations of algebra. This course emphasizes rational numbers. Students will use ratios to compare data sets; recognize decimals, fractions, and percents as ratios; solve single-step and multistep problems, using rational numbers; and gain a foundation in the understanding of integers. Students will solve linear equations and use algebraic terminology. Students will solve problems involving area, perimeter, and surface area, work with π (pi), and focus on the relationships among the properties of quadrilaterals. In addition, students will focus on applications of probability and statistics. An Advanced course is also available.


  • Course Number: MA7310, MA7410
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Grade Level: 7
  • The foundations of algebra are emphasized. Students who successfully complete the grade seven course should be prepared to study Algebra I in grade eight. Topics in grade seven include proportional reasoning, integer computation, solving two-step linear equations, and recognizing different representations for relationships. Students will apply the properties of real numbers in solving equations, solve inequalities, and use data analysis techniques to make inferences, conjectures, and predictions. An Advanced course is also available.


  • Course Number: MA8410
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Grade Level: 8
  • Students will be introduced to content that reviews or extends concepts and skills learned in previous grades as well as new content that prepares students for more abstract concepts in algebra and geometry. The eighth-grade standards provide students additional instruction and time to acquire the concepts and skills necessary for success in Algebra I. Students will gain proficiency in computation with rational numbers and will use proportions to solve a variety of problems. New concepts include solving multistep equations and inequalities, graphing linear equations, visualizing three-dimensional shapes represented in two-dimensional drawings, and applying transformations to geometric shapes in the coordinate plane. Students will verify and apply the Pythagorean Theorem and represent relations and functions, using tables, graphs, and rules. The eighth-grade standards provide a more solid foundation in Algebra I for those students not ready for Algebra I in grade eight.


  • Course Number: MA1010, MA1111, MA1020, MA1100
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Grade Level: 9-12
  • Credit: 1/2 credit per semester
  • Algebra I is the study of linear and quadratic equations (functions) and inequalities including rational fractional and irrational equations numbers. It is offered one or two periods, one or two years.
  • Passing the Algebra I SOL test is required to earn a verified credit toward graduation.


  • Course Number: MA2010, MA2100, MA2200
  • Prerequisites: Algebra I
  • Grade Level: 9-12
  • Credit: 1/2 credit per semester (+0.5 weighted credit for Honors)
  • Geometry is a deductive study of Euclidean geometry including space geometry and coordinate geometry. An emphasis is placed on logical reasoning and deductive proof. It is offered one or two periods. An Honors level is available.
  • Passing the Geometry SOL test is required to earn a verified credit toward graduation.


  • Course Number: MA2300
  • Prerequisites: Algebra I
  • Grade Level: 9-12
  • Credit:1/2 credit per semester
  • The course is designed for students who have successfully completed the standards for Algebra I. Within the context of mathematical modeling and data analysis, students will study functions and their behaviors, systems of inequalities, probability, experimental design and implementation, and analysis of data. Data will be generated by practical applications arising from science, business, and finance. Students will solve problems that require the formulations of linear, quadratic, exponential, or logarithmic equations or a system of equations.


  • Course Number: MA3100, MA3220
  • Prerequisites: Algebra I or Geometry
  • Grade Level: 9-12
  • Credit: 1/2 credit per semester
  • Algebra II is a one-year study of intermediate algebra. The course includes a review of Algebra I topics. New topics studied are sequences and series, logarithmic and exponential functions, complex numbers, and analytic geometry. An Honors course is also available.
  • Passing the Algebra II SOL test is required to earn a verified credit toward graduation.


  • Course Number: MA3200
  • Prerequisites: Geometry and teacher recommendation
  • Grade Level: 9-12
  • Credit: 1/2 credit per semester (+0.5 weighted credit)
  • Honors Algebra II is a course for students capable of successfully mastering the material of Algebra II in one year
  • Passing the Algebra II SOL test is required to earn a verified credit toward graduation.


  • Course Number: MA3300
  • Prerequisites: Algebra II
  • Grade Level: 11, 12
  • Credit: 1/2 credit per semester
  • Trigonometry is a study of trigonometric and circular functions and their inverses. The course also includes an introduction to polar coordinates and vectors. Second semester is a study of elementary functions emphasizing the properties of algebraic functions.


  • Course Number: MA3500
  • Prerequisites: Algebra II
  • Grade Level: 11, 12
  • Credit: 1/2 credit per semester
  • Probability and Statistics is a one-year course designed to introduce students to statistical procedures as they apply to real life applications. Students will study data analysis and production, probability, and statistical simulation.


  • Course Number: MA4100
  • Prerequisites: Honors Algebra II or Trigonometry/Elementary Functions
  • Grade Level: 11, 12
  • Credit: 1/2 credit per semester (+0.5 weighted credit)
  • Mathematical Analysis is a year study of pre-calculus material. An emphasis is placed on mathematical proof. The course covers a study of infinite sequences and series, analytic geometry from a vector approach, and algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions. Dual enrollment college credit may be offered for this course at some school sites. Check with your counselor for availability.


  • Course Number: MA4200
  • Prerequisites: Mathematical Analysis
  • Grade Level: 11, 12
  • Credit: 1/2 credit per semester (+1.0 weighted credit)
  • Calculus AB is a one-year course intended for students who have a thorough knowledge of algebra, analytic and axiomatic geometry, and trigonometry. It includes the study of elementary functions and differential and integral calculus.
  • Students prepare for and take the College Board’s Advanced Placement Test and those who receive an acceptable score on the test may receive college credit and/or advanced standing in college.
  • Dual enrollment college credit may be offered for this course at some school sites. Check with your counselor for availability.


  • Course Number: MA4300
  • Prerequisites: Mathematical Analysis
  • Grade Level: 11, 12
  • Credit: 1 credit per semester (+1.0 weighted credit)
  • Calculus BC is a two period one-year course intended for students who have a thorough knowledge of algebra, analytic and axiomatic geometry, and trigonometry. All of the Calculus AB topics are included along with additional advanced topics.
  • Students prepare for and take the College Board’s Advanced Placement Test and those who receive an acceptable score on the test may receive college credit and/or advanced standing in college.


  • Course Number: MA4500
  • Prerequisites: Math Analysis or Trigonometry/Elementary Functions
  • Grade Level: 11, 12
  • Credit: 1/2 semester (+weighted credit)
  • AP Statistics is a one year study of major statistics concepts and the tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data.
  • Students prepare for and take the College Board’s Advanced Placement Test and those who receive an acceptable score on the test may receive college credit and/or advanced standing in college.
  • With appropriate recommendation this may be taken concurrently with math analysis.


  • Course Number: MC0069
  • Prerequisites: Algebra I and one semester Geometry
  • Grade Level: 10-12
  • Credit: 1/2 credit per semester
  • Students will prepare for the math and verbal portions of the SAT. Students will also learn how to improve study skills, develop note-taking strategies, and practice time management skills.


  • Course Number: MA5100
  • Prerequisites: Algebra I and concurrent enrollment in Geometry
  • Grade Level: 9-12
  • Credit: 1/2 credit per semester
  • Introduction to Computer Programming is a one-year course involving computer programming using Visual Basic, HTMS, and JavaScript. The student will apply previously developed mathematics skills to computer programming. Enrollment is limited to available equipment and facilities.


  • Course Number: MA5200
  • Prerequisites: Introduction to Computer Programming or appropriate recommendation and concurrent enrollment in Algebra II
  • Grade Level: 10-12
  • Credit: 1/2 credit per semester (+0.5 weighted credit)
  • H Computer Programming in C++ is a one-year computer programming course using C++. Enrollment is limited to available facilities and equipment.


  • Course Number: MA5300
  • Prerequisites: Algebra II-Trig and H Computer Programming in C++
  • Grade Level: 11, 12
  • Credit: 1/2 credit per semester (+1.0 weighted credit)
  • Computer Science extends the concepts of programming studied previously. Programming is done using JAVA. Enrollment is limited to available equipment and facilities.
  • Students prepare for and take the College Board’s Advanced Placement Test and those who receive an acceptable score on the test may receive college credit and/or advanced standing in college.