Michelle Price
Executive Director of Public Information and Community Involvement
NNPS hosts Take Your Legislator to School Day at Watkins ECC
Posted: December 1, 2023
State legislators, aides and local leaders toured classrooms, listened to student performances and learned about funding needs as Newport News Public Schools marked Take Your Legislator to School Day on December 1 at Watkins Early Childhood Center.
"It is going to be a treat; what you are going to see is going to lighten your heart today," said NNPS Superintendent Dr. Michele Mitchell.
By the time the visitors had been greeted by students, visited them during lessons and heard a singing performance during lunch, that was certainly the case. Watkins is one of the sites for the district's Dual Language Immersion Program, so students were learning lessons and sang in both English and Spanish.
Delegate Shelly Simonds, aides to Congressman Bobby Scott and Delegate Marcia Price, City Council members Tina Vick and Cleon Long, School Board Chairman Lisa Surles-Law, Vice Chairman Terri Best and board member Douglas Brown, as well as several members of the Newport News Education Foundation, were in attendance.
Annemarie Hanrahan, preschool supervisor, described the student learning experience at the district's four preschool sites. Susanna Bailey, instructional supervisor of world languages & dual language immersion, outlined basics of the dual language instructional curriculum.
Surles-Law thanked all in attendance to their commitment to supporting education and spoke of the need to work together. Patrick Finneran, legislative liaison, outlined the school division's key legislative priorities for the upcoming General Assembly session.
"Today we are here to thank our legislators and also our community leaders for their support of public education," Mitchell said.