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Graduates celebrate receiving diplomas at summer ceremony

Posted: August 7, 2024

Summer 2024 graduates from Newport News Public Schools were presented with their diplomas at the summer graduation ceremony on August 6 at Heritage High School.

A total of 97 students from all five of the city's high schools combined completed their diploma requirements to graduate this summer.

During the ceremony, Heritage graduate A'najah Jamison gave reflections and Superintendent Dr. Michele Mitchell made remarks. Jubilant family members, friends and community members supported the graduates with smiles, joyful words of encouragement and applause as they turned the tassels on their caps and received their diplomas.

"Graduates, you began this education journey many years ago with the desire to get to today-your graduation day," Mitchell said. "This day marks the pinnacle of a 13-year journey. A journey that has not only taught you how to achieve your academic goals, but also how to prepare for the days ahead."

Jamison looked back on the class of 2024's school days experience as well before challenging her fellow graduates to look forward boldly.

"But today is not just about reminiscing; it's about embracing the future," Jamison said. "Some of us have the desire to join the military, the What's Next program, shipyard training or college. As we step out into the world, let's carry the lessons and memories with us. Let's approach the future with courage and optimism, ready to make our mark and create positive change."