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Warwick senior Razvan Verde to serve as School Board student representative for 2024-25

Posted: August 22, 2024

Razvan Verde, a senior at Warwick High School, will serve as the student representative to the Newport News School Board for the 2024-25 school year.

Verde brings a wealth of leadership and team building skills to the position. Among his numerous activities, he is the founder/president of the Warwick UNICEF Club and a member of the National Honor Society, Math Honor Society, Key Club, Governor's School Student Advisory Board, debate team, tennis and golf teams, and volunteers for several community organizations.

"As our student representative this year, I am eager to ensure that all of our student' voices are heard throughout the school year and that we continue to make our school district a safe and inclusive place for every single one of our students," Verde said after being officially sworn in at the August 20 School Board meeting.

Last school year he served on the Student Advisory Group on Education, which is a group of high school students who meet with the superintendent regularly so that she can get their perspective and personal insight on various initiatives and issues. Verge is on SAGE again this school year and will serve as co-chair with Superintendent Dr. Michele Mitchell.

Verde and teammate Kai-Tang Tseng placed third in the Public Forum category at the VHSL Class 5 Debate State Championships this past spring. Warwick finished in second place and classified as runner-up in the team standings, which are determined by averaging competitors' placements to rank teams.

Public Forum is a two-on-two team debate style and their topic was whether or not the United Nations Security Council should abolish permanent membership. Public Forum uses fact-based argumentation and tackles issues that are relevant to the public at large.

Superintendent Dr. Michele Mitchell (left), Razvan Verde (center) and School Board Chairman Lisa Surles-Law
Superintendent Dr. Michele Mitchell (left), Razvan Verde (center) and School Board Chairman Lisa Surles-Law