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NNPS to host Family Empowerment Series of forums

Posted: October 10, 2024

Newport News Public Schools Family and Community Engagement will host a Family Empowerment Series on important topics featuring forums for discussion and sharing of resources with students and their families.

The series will kick off with the first forum Your Mental Health Matters: Make It A Priority on October 17 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Heritage High School, 5800 Marshall Avenue. It is free and open to all families of NNPS students, as well as staff and the local community.

Forum attendees will enjoy dinner, experience a resource fair with service providers aligned with the event's mission of promoting positive mental health, and a panel discussion led by local community and school leaders and students.

The quarterly series of forums is designed to engage families on topics of importance for youth thriving.

"The Family Empowerment Series came about because the NNPS Family and Community Engagement team wanted to provide families with opportunities to receive applicable, relevant and meaningful information," said Tiffany Jones, coordinator of NNPS FACE. "Each forum will address important topics that affect our families and communities. The goal of the Family and Community Engagement team is to empower families through these forums by sharing experiences, resources and support."

The first event will be a unique opportunity for youth, families and the community to discuss the important issue of mental health and wellness, according to Jones.

"Mental health is important and everyone's mental health matters," Jones said. "Mental health affects overall health and quality of life. It is vital to have a safe space for families to discuss and receive information and support from mental health professionals in our school district and community.

"This forum will address how mental health affects how we think, feel and act."

The FACE team would like to ensure families make community connections and are aware of the resources available to them in their communities, Jones added. There will be a resource fair at each forum that will have school-based resources and community partners present to share information about that is applicable to the topic being discussed.

"We want to thank our official sponsors of the NNPS Family Empowerment Series, BayPort Credit Union," Jones said.

The Family Empowerment Series will continue with sessions on Advocating for Your Student on February 13, 2025, and Wellness Wins on May 15, 2025.