Michelle Price
Executive Director of Public Information and Community Involvement
NNPS Telecommunications students honored by VSBA for kindness video
Posted: November 22, 2024
The Virginia School Boards Association selected the Newport News Public Schools Telecommunications program's video "Kindness Goes a Long Way" as the winner in the Kindness in Sports category of its 13th Annual High School Student Video Contest.
The VSBA celebrated the creativity and voices of Virginia's high school students as it announced the award recipients November 20 at its annual convention's opening session in Williamsburg. The winning videos were showcased for an audience of educational leaders.
Telecom's video features sportscasters calling a track meet where one runner trips another coming around the track, quickly followed by the next runner sacrificing his third-place finish to stop and help up his fallen opponent.
Seniors in the Telecommunications program create the video from start to finish as one of their first projects for the school year, according to Telecommunications Supervisor Ray Price.
"They all sat down and came up with what it was going to be, how it was going to look and they worked together on it," Price said. "You either acted in it or you were part of the production team. That's what makes it so neat; it's a collaboration of the entire senior class."
This year's contest theme of kindness inspired students from across the Commonwealth to submit 30-second videos showcasing unique perspectives on the power of kindness in three categories: Random Acts of Kindness, Kindness and Mental Health, and Kindness in Sports, according to the VSBA. The winners were chosen from 28 impressive entries.
Telecom is an annual participant.
"We have some really neat ones that we've done," Price said. "We had one that was Honorable Mention and we think most of them are really good. And we do use them on our NNPS-TV channel as public service announcements."