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First NNPS Senior Rally was filled with motivation, high energy and fun

Posted: March 19, 2025

Seniors gearing up for graduation in June gathered for motivation and celebration as Newport News Public Schools held its inaugural Senior Rally on March 18 at Christopher Newport University's Freeman Center.

The centerpiece of the rally was guest speaker Dr. Adolph Brown, III, whose down-to-earth approach brought real stories and lessons to take away from the event. He worked the basketball court floor surrounded by a sea of Senior Rally T-shirts in school colors, signs and expressive student style from all corners of the city on display.

The day's lineup featured a DJ and music for dancing, cheering and pumping up school and senior spirit throughout. Cheerleaders from various schools kicked it off with a unity cheer.

Newport News School Board Vice Chair Dr. Terri Best welcomed all in attendance and introduced CNU President William Kelly, who gave his own warm welcome and encouraged students to stay close to home and consider attending CNU.

Woodside High School senior Dylan Tydmore introduced Brown.

"Now get ready to travel on a journey of rags to riches whereby Dr. Brown understood that 'the more he learned, the more he earned. And that skills pay bills.'" Tydmore said.

"He's not a speaker, he's a master teacher, a clinical and educational psychologist, a professor and dean, a business owner, a husband and father of eight, and most importantly, he's been where you are. But he wants you to know that you don't have to stay where you are."

Brown's interactive presentation mixed advice and personal stories from his own life with choosing students in the audience to answer questions about their own plans or to help communicate his message. He stressed discipline and doing difficult things regardless of possible excuses.

"I have three ups," Brown said. "Show up, stay up and never give up."

His description of students' K-12 education was of a launching pad that teachers and administrators have given to them.

"All you have to do is fly," Brown said.

NNPS Superintendent Dr. Michele Mitchell's closing remarks included the expectation that every senior in the room at the time will graduate in June. Seniors participated in several games, grabbed lunch and visited with on-site vendors before returning to their schools.

Senior Rally