Health & Physical Education
Healthy bodies. Strong minds.
Our Vision
Everybody has a body that we learn how to make stronger and keep healthy. We take responsible risks, examine the results, and identify the next steps to care for our bodies. We believe in nourishing habits that don't just last during our time in school but lay the foundation for a lifetime of health and happiness.
Our curriculum is organized around the following goals that guide instruction and assessment for our students as movers, shakers, and connectors.
Explore various ways to move your body to discover activities that you enjoy to stay active. NNPS Profile: Creative Thinking
Apply knowledge of anatomy and physiology to improve motor skills and movement concepts. NNPS Profile: Citizenship
Analyze data and use goal-setting skills to identify appropriate choices to enhance well-being. NNPS Profile: Critical Thinking
Demonstrate the knowledge and skills to make healthy decisions that reduce health risks, enhance the health of oneself, and promote a safe and healthy community. NNPS Profile: Citizenship and Collaboration
Demonstrate socially responsible behavior, respect for themselves and others, and the environment in thoughts, words, and actions. NNPS Profile: Citizenship and Communication
Instructional Approach
Picture a place where laughter echoes through every workout, where wellness is not a destination but a thrilling journey; jumping jacks are victories, and nutritional knowledge is power! We promote physical and health literacy. Through learning to move and moving to learn, students will build competence and confidence in a wide variety of physical and health activities within multiple environments that nurture the students' physical, mental, and emotional well-being.