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Preschool at NNPS

Preschool at NNPS

Preschool Registration

Now accepting preschool applications for the 2025-26 school year! Visit the Online Registration Portal to apply.

Please note: NNPS Preschool is a state and federally funded program, and all applications will be reviewed based on eligibility criteria and space availability.

Is my child eligible for NNPS Preschool?

To be eligible for the 2024-2025 NNPS Preschool program:

    • The child must live in Newport News, VA.
    • The child's birthday must be between October 1, 2019 and September 30, 2020.
    • The child's family must meet Virginia Preschool Initiative (VPI) or NNPS Preschool requirements for eligibility; see full list of VPI and NNPS Preschool criteria.
    • The child must have up-to-date immunizations (or have proof of a medical or religious exemption, set forth by Virginia law).

    We highly encourage ALL interested families with a 4-year-old child to apply for NNPS Preschool. We may place your child on a temporary waitlist and will continue to fill preschool slots throughout the spring, summer, and 2024-25 school year based on a variety of criteria, in addition to the listed VPI criteria.

When can I apply for NNPS Preschool?

Now accepting preschool applications for the 2025-26 school year! Visit the Online Registration Portal to apply.

What documents do I need to apply for NNPS Preschool?

    • Income verification – Verification of income (W2, two weeks of pay stubs, child support documentation, last year's tax documentation, SNAP award) is required from all parents/guardians who have primary custody or contribute to the child's welfare to determine eligibility for NNPS Preschool. Please view NNPS Income Verification details for additional information.
    • Certified copy of student's birth certificate
    • Proof of legal residency
    • Comprehensive physical examination (Preschool–Grade 5)
    • Immunization records
    • Individual Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Eligibility/Plan (if applicable, current plan)
    • Custodial court order (if applicable)
    • Foster care plan (if applicable)

While most documents can be delivered to the school upon in-person registration, proof of income must be provided before the application can be reviewed by NNPS.

Additional details can be found on the NNPS Online Pre-Registration Portal page.

How do I apply for NNPS Preschool?

Please visit the NNPS Online Pre-Registration Portal to apply.

When will I find out if my child has been accepted into the NNPS Preschool program?

All applications will be reviewed based on eligibility criteria and program space availability. Parents/Guardians will receive notification within 8-10 weeks after the application and appropriate documentation has been submitted. You will receive one of the following notifications:

    • Your child is being invited to participate in the NNPS Preschool program and you will need to visit your child's zoned school to complete the registration process, OR
    • Your child has been put on our waitlist and you will be contacted if/when space becomes available at your child's zoned preschool.

What does it mean to be placed on the waitlist?

Why has my child been placed on a waitlist?
The NNPS Preschool program has a limited number of preschool slots. Your child has been placed on a waitlist because enrollment at your child’s zoned preschool is currently full. Registration is an ongoing, rolling process and there is still a strong likelihood your child will be accepted, even once placed on the waitlist, the earlier the application is submitted. The preschool application window opens late February.

My child was waitlisted. What happens next?
The NNPS Preschool Office monitors student enrollment weekly and will invite students from the waitlist as soon as space is available. If your child is accepted after being placed on the waitlist, you will receive an email informing you of this acceptance. You will also be contacted by your child’s school to schedule an in-person registration appointment. Due to limited availability, the space reserved for your child may be given to another child if you do not register your child within 14 days of receiving this acceptance. Therefore, use the time your child is on the waitlist to gather all documentation required for enrollment and schedule any necessary doctor’s appointments to ensure your child’s physical and immunization records are up-to-date.

Unfortunately there is no way to predict how long it may take to be accepted once a child is placed on the waitlist. In addition to enrollment space, acceptance is based on criteria eligibility, not on a first-come first-served basis. Submitting an application as early as possible will increase the chance that your child will be accepted as early as possible.

How late in the school year could my child be accepted?
Children are accepted into the NNPS Preschool program throughout the school year until Spring Break.

Will my child be at a disadvantage if they join a classroom after the school year begins?
No. If your child is accepted after the school year starts, your child will be warmly welcomed into their new class. Their new teachers will work to get to know them and their unique abilities. They will work to meet your child’s needs and provide them the most developmentally appropriate support, regardless of the time of year.

What school will my child go to for preschool?

Children are assigned to a school based on the home address of the child's parent/guardian. Please use our Bus Stop Query and Zonefinder to find your child's school.

NNPS Preschool Centers

What does NNPS Preschool look like?

NNPS Preschool is a full-day program. Every preschool class is taught by a certified teacher, supported by a full-day instructional assistant, and does not exceed 20 students. The NNPS Preschool program operates under the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) Virginia Preschool Initiative (VPI). Each NNPS Preschool classroom utilizes the Creative Curriculum in alignment with the VDOE Early Learning and Development Standards (ELDS). All NNPS Preschool students receive a division-issued iPad for at-home and in-school use as part of our blended learning model.

What other preschool options are available in Newport News, VA?

Hampton Roads Community Action Program (HRCAP) offers Head Start and Early Head Start, programs for children up to age four that provide comprehensive services to children and families including health, education, nutrition, family services, mental health, disabilities, parent involvement, community-family partnerships and transportation for children in specific areas. The Early Head Start program also provides specialized services to at-risk infants and toddlers (6 weeks to 3 years) of teens and women who reside in southeast Newport News. Visit the HRCAP/Head Start website for additional information. Head Start is not affiliated with Newport News Public Schools.

Additional Registration FAQ's

Why does my ParentVue account show my child has been “denied”?
Once an application has been fully processed, ParentVue displays the status as “denied.” This is how the system shows that the Preschool Office has completed processing the application. A “denied” status can mean several things. More than likely, it means that your child has either been invited to register, and the student was transferred to their zoned school for the parent to complete the registration step, or the child has been transferred to the waitlist. In some cases, the application may have been denied because a child was ineligible to attend NNPS Preschool due to age or residence. Communication was sent to the email address listed on the preschool application providing more information regarding the status of the application.

Where can I send the income verification if I didn’t submit it through the online application?
Please send income verification documents to [email protected]. Please include your child’s name and birthdate to ensure we can connect your documentation to the correct application.

Can I drop off my income verification at the School Board Office?
NNPS cannot ensure there will always be someone available in the Preschool Office to receive your income documentation, therefore it is recommended you visit one of the preschool centers for support with this. The school office will be able to help you scan or photograph your documentation and send it to the Preschool Office.

  • Denbigh Early Childhood Center (uptown): 15638 Warwick Boulevard, (757) 886-7789
  • General Stanford Elementary School (on base): 929 Madison Avenue, (757) 888-3200
  • Marshall Early Learning Center (downtown): 743 24th Street, (757) 928-6832
  • Watkins Early Childhood Center (midtown): 21 Burns Drive, (757) 591-4815

What if my child turns 4 in early October?
Preschool age requirements are set by the Virginia Department of Education. The NNPS Preschool Program has zero flexibility with registering students younger than 4; all children must be 4 by September 30. We do not offer a preschool program for 3-year-olds.

What if my child turns 5 in October or November, and just misses the cutoff for kindergarten?
Upon parent request, any Newport News child who will celebrate their fifth birthday between October 1 through November 30 may be eligible to register for kindergarten pending the outcome of a screening appointment. Parents with children who will turn 5 during the months of October or November can request an entrance evaluation by completing an interest form beginning in May. Please note that the decision regarding the child's eligibility status is based on the Early Access screening, is final, and there is no appeal process. If you have questions about the NNPS Early Access to Kindergarten process, please contact the Office of Elementary School Leadership at (757) 283-7850.

What if my child is 5 by September 30 but I want them to attend preschool instead of entering kindergarten?
Students who are 5 years of age by September 30 may be eligible to attend preschool if they did not have access to sufficient preschool experience. Insufficient preschool experience may include, but is not limited to, late enrollment in a preschool program (at least halfway through the school year) or no prior preschool experience. Parents/Guardians who are interested in their 5-year-old applying for the preschool program, rather than enrolling in kindergarten for the upcoming school year, should complete the 5-Year-Old Exception Interest Form. Please note that the decision regarding a child's enrollment is based on prior preschool experience, is final, and there is no appeal process.

Please call the NNPS Preschool Office: 757-283-7850 ext. 10247 or email us at [email protected].