Families as Partners
Our Elementary English Team welcomes the opportunity to provide resources and answer your questions.
Families may call the NNPS Elementary English Office at (757) 283-7850 x.10245.

Benchmark Advance© 2022
Benchmark Advance © 2022 is a state-approved, high-quality instructional program used within our K-5 classrooms. It is aligned to the science of reading and evidence based instructional practices in that it provides a systematic and sequential approach to developing strong literacy skills and building knowledge on a wide-range of topics.
As new units of study begin, Home-School Connection Letters are available to introduce your family to what your child is learning for the next few weeks. Throughout each unit, students engage in grade-level text found within their own student magazine, which offers a Take-Home Activity Calendar with suggested ways to continue learning at home. Families are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher to learn more and access these resources.
- Unit 1: Plants and Animals Have Needs
- Unit 2: Every Story Has Characters
- Unit 3: Rules at Home and School
- Unit 4: Writers Tell Many Stories
- Unit 5: Technology At Home and School
- Unit 6: Stories Have a Message
- Unit 7: Holidays and Celebrations
- Unit 8: Weather and Seasons
- Unit 9: Meeting Our Needs and Wants
- Unit 1: Plants and Animals Grow and Change
- Unit 2: Many Kinds of Characters
- Unit 3: Being a Good Community Member
- Unit 4: Stories have a Narrator
- Unit 5: Technology At Work
- Unit 6: Stories Teach Many Lessons
- Unit 7: Past, Present, and Future
- Unit 8: Observing the Sky
- Unit 9: We Use Goods and Services
- Unit 1: Plants and Animals in Their Habitats
- Unit 2: Characters Facing Challenges
- Unit 3: Government at Work
- Unit 4: Many Characters, Many Points of View
- Unit 5: Solving Problems Through Technology
- Unit 6: Tales to Live By
- Unit 7: Investigating the Past
- Unit 8: Wind and Water Change Earth
- Unit 9: Buyers and Sellers
- Unit 1: Animal Adaptations
- Unit 2: Ways Characters Shape Stories
- Unit 3: Government for the People
- Unit 4: Comparing Points of View
- Unit 5: Advancements in Technology
- Unit 6: Making Decisions
- Unit 7: Communities Then and Now
- Unit 8: Weather and Climate
- Unit 1: Observing Nature
- Unit 2: Characters’ Action and Reactions
- Unit 3: Government in Action
- Unit 4: Understanding Different Points of View
- Unit 5: Technology for Tomorrow
- Unit 6: Confronting Challenges
- Unit 7: The Transcontinental Railroad
- Unit 8: Earth Changes
- Unit 1: Cultivating Natural Resources
- Unit 2: Developing Characters’ Relationships
- Unit 3: The U.S. Constitution: Then and Now
- Unit 4: Recognizing Author’s Point of View
- Unit 5: Technology’s Impact on Society
- Unit 6: Up Against the Wild
- Unit 7: Conflicts that Shaped the Nation
- Unit 8: Water: Fact and Fiction

University of Florida Literacy Institute (UFLI) Foundations
All kindergarten through second grade classrooms are providing phonics instruction using the UFLI Foundations program as a supplement to Benchmark Advance © 2022. In addition to the lessons and resources used within your child’s classroom, Home Practice sheets are available for families to provide additional support and practice in acquiring essential foundational literacy skills. Check out the Home Support Guide (also available in Spanish) to learn more about how to use these resources and contact your child’s teacher to access the practice sheets.

Lexia Core5 Reading
Core5 is a computer-based, adaptive program that provides explicit instruction, guided practice, immediate feedback, and skills checks for all required areas for strong reading, including phonological awareness, phonics, structural analysis, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. While it is highly encouraged students only engage with the online component during the instructional day, families are encouraged to access this site or contact their child’s teacher to access the Lexia Read @ Home Literacy Building Activities and Student Choice Boards to use to further support their child’s development.

NNPS K-2 Building Character Book Club
As a way to support student’s social emotional and literacy development beyond the classroom, a book will come home four times throughout the school year focusing on a social emotional topic such as kindness, loving yourself, and overcoming worries or fears. A QR code on the inside cover of each book will give you quick access to an online resource containing quick and easy activities that can be done as a family. The activities focus on early literacy skills and social emotional development and are designed to take place during the normal rhythms of the day (morning time, car time, meal time, and nighttime).

Newport News Public Library
Visit your local library or visit the Newport News Public Library website to learn how your child can get their very own library card! The website has information about programs, books, and events.

Virginia Literacy Partnerships
The Virginia Literacy Partnerships office collaborates with Virginia school divisions and communities around reading and writing development, screening children, and providing evidence based instruction.

VKRP Family Resources
The Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP) is an initiative focused on building a more comprehensive understanding of school readiness and success. VKRP helps to support our understanding of school readiness in four key areas: literacy, mathematics, social skills, and self-regulation.

VDOE Literacy Resources for Families and Communities
The Virginia Department of Education provides online and offline recommendations for free resources and activities families can use to support their child’s literacy development. The VDOE also has a variety of informative sessions by specialists, coordinators, educators, and community groups from across the Commonwealth, which families can access to gain resources and learning opportunities to further support the important role of home-to-school connections.