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Our policy is to develop the wellness of students and staff by providing environments that promote and protect health, well-being, and the ability to work and learn by supporting proper nutrition, nutrition education and regular physical activity.

There are many reasons why the time has come for wellness policies in our schools. Some issues are in the news almost daily; others are not discussed nearly enough. All of them are important and, in combination, they have a serious impact on children's health and their academic performance.

Understanding these issues is essential for creating effective school wellness policies. The more you know about them, the better you will be able to help NNPS implement our policy that meets the food and fitness needs of all children.

In 2004, when the US Congress authorized funding for nutrition programs in schools (breakfast, lunch, and snacks), they added a new requirement. As part of the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 (P.L. 108-265), each local educational agency receiving US Department of Agriculture (USDA) funds for meals must develop and implement a school wellness policy by the first day of the 2006-07 school year.

The Congressional mandate for school wellness policies is part of a larger effort to address growing concerns about the health of American children. We recognize that schools play a critical role in creating a healthy environment for the prevention of childhood obesity and for combating problems, like Type 2 diabetes, that are associated with poor nutrition and physical inactivity. The law placed the responsibility of developing a school wellness policy with each local district so that the specific needs of each school community could be addressed most effectively.

A la Carte Food & Vending Machine Requirements

  • Beverages: Only 100% fruit juices and skim or 1% milk, white or flavored, both not to exceed 16 ounces. Water and flavored zero-calorie water, any size.

  • Snacks: Less than 35% calories fat; 10% saturated fat; no trans fat; no more than 35% total weight from sugar; 300 calories or less per item.