Specialized Programming

STAR Awards
The STAR (Students Taking Action and Responsibility) Awards is a celebration of youth development in Newport News Public Schools. Each year, NNPS Youth Development hosts two special recognition events, the Secondary and Elementary STAR Awards to celebrate the extraordinary work and contributions that students, Youth Development Leads, Activities Directors, club advisors and others make to promote positive culture in their schools and communities.

Celebrate Me!
Celebrate Me! is an annual division-wide cultural awareness campaign that will include both school-based and community activities, with sponsored activities throughout the week. The purpose is to celebrate cultural heritage and to promote a sense of belonging and membership for all Newport News students, staff, and families!

Bullying Prevention
As a school division, we work continuously with students, staff, family members and community organizations to make sure that safety is a top priority. NNPS has several bullying-prevention programs in place and a host of other initiatives aimed at maintaining a safe and welcoming environment for our students.