NNPS Middle School
Dr. Felicia Barnett
Executive Director
Secondary School Leadership
Dr. Eleanor Blowe
Secondary School Leadership
Important Information
TDAP Shot Information for all 7th Grade Entry:
Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Tdap)
- Grades 7-12: 1 dose given at age 11-12 or older
Meningococcal (MenACWY)
- Grades 7-10: 1 dose given at age 11-12 or older
- Grade 12: 1 dose given at age 16 or older
*Students cannot begin school in August until documentation of Tdap and Meningococcal vaccines has been received.
Rights and Responsibilities Handbook
Rules and regulations governing student behavior, including the student attendance policies, are provided in the student's Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. It is important for parents to review the handbook with their child. Certain discipline infractions will become part of the student's record.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Conferences between parents and teachers may be held before or after school, or during the teacher's team planning time. To arrange for a conference, parents should send a note or call the APS teacher to determine a mutually convenient time. Please do not try to hold a conference at PTA meetings or during class time.
Student Dress
A student will not dress, groom, wear or use emblems, insignias, badges or other symbols where the effect is to cause disruption or interference with the operation of the school. The principal or designee will determine whether any particular mode of dress, apparel, grooming or use of emblems, insignias, badges or other symbols results in interference or disruption. Learn more about NNPS dress codes.
The cafeteria provides well-planned and balanced meals. Milk and other single items are available to those who bring their lunch. Lunch tickets may be purchased in advance. View menus and learn more about Child Nutrition Services.
For safety reasons, students are expected to act in a reasonably quiet and orderly manner at bus stops, as well as when loading, riding and unloading buses. Students may be suspended from school for bus infractions. The bus driver must be obeyed at all times. Students are expected to ride buses when provided. When a student will not be riding the assigned bus, a parent-signed note must be brought to an administrator for approval. View more bus stop information.
Rules and regulations governing student behavior on and off the school bus are provided in the student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.
Textbooks are issued at the beginning of each semester to students. Students are responsible for keeping textbooks and other materials in the same physical condition as when they were issued except for normal wear and tear. Students are required to pay for materials in case of loss or damage.
Early Dismissal and Inclement Weather
Please note the dates on the school calendar on which schools close at midday for parent-teacher conferences. Parents should make arrangements for student's care when school closes early for any reason. View Closings and Cancellations information.
Emergency Procedures
Each school has an emergency operations plan to cover both natural emergencies (tornadoes, hurricanes, snow, icing, flood) and man-made emergencies (fires, bomb threats, civil disturbances, serious injuries, utility emergencies). This plan is available from each teacher and will be reviewed with students during the first week of school each year.
Withdrawing From School
It is preferred that a student withdrawing from school be accompanied by the parent/guardian to the school office. Office personnel should request confirmation of identification from the adult. A Request for Withdrawal form must be signed by the parent/guardian. In the event that a parent/guardian cannot come to the school to withdraw the pupil, a letter or a signed Request for Withdrawal form will be accepted; however, verification of its validity will be made by telephone. In no case may a student under the age of eighteen withdraw himself/herself from school. View complete withdrawal procedures and forms.
Parents and community members are welcome in our schools. We require that all parents and visitors report to the main office upon arrival.