Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)
(757) 283-7833, [email protected]
SEAC Meeting Schedule
Meeting notes are available for review. Please contact Michele Vecchione at (757) 283-7850 x.10443.
The SEAC is a group of citizen volunteers, appointed by the School Board, who assist the school division in providing a free and appropriate public education to all students with disabilities. In addition to holding public hearings, the advisory committee's involvement includes parent education, review of special education programs, and approval of the school division's annual special education plan. Contact Vivian Vitullo at (757) 283-7850 for more information.
Special Education Advisory Committee meetings are open to the public and parents are encouraged to attend. A time is provided on the agenda at each meeting for "Comments from the Public."
The purpose of the Special Education Advisory Committee is to:
- Advise the Superintendent and the School Board of unmet needs in the education of students with disabilities;
- Assist the Superintendent and the School Board in the formation and development of long-range plans for providing needed educational services for students with disabilities;
- Participate in the development of priorities and strategies for meeting the identified needs of students with disabilities;
- Submit periodic reports and recommendations regarding the education of students with disabilities to the Superintendent for transmission to the School Board.
- Assist the Superintendent and the School Board in interpreting to the community plans for meeting the special needs of students with disabilities for educational services.
Membership is comprised of (a) persons with disabilities (b) parents or guardians of persons with disabilities; (c) representatives of community civic organizations; (d) representatives of business and industry; (e) representatives of public agencies concerned with the care of persons with disabilities; (f) representatives of other local advisory committees concerned with the education and training of persons with disabilities.
If you are interested in learning more about the SEAC, if you have concerns or comments relating to special education services, or if you would like to become a member, please contact us at [email protected] or call (757) 283-7833. This contact number connects you to a mail box for the committee. All calls will be returned as soon as possible.