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Transition Services

The key to a successful transition is early and thoughtful planning. Students must be actively involved in the planning process.


Steven Teresi, Program Administrator, Transition Programs
(757) 283-7850 x.10430
Fax: (757) 599-5605

What is Transition Planning?

The federal law, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 2004, defines secondary transition as a coordinated set of activities designed to be within a results-oriented process, focused on improving the academic achievement and functional performance to facilitate movement from school to post-school activities.

Virginia Regulations Governing Special Education Programs for Children with Disabilities states that secondary transition services will be addressed prior to the child entering secondary school but not later than when the child turns 14, or younger if determined appropriate by the IEP team, and updated annually thereafter.

The IEP shall include age-appropriate measurable postsecondary goals based upon age-appropriate transition assessments related to training, education, employment, and where appropriate, independent living skills; and transition services, including courses of study, needed to assist the child in reaching those goals.

  • Postsecondary education
  • Career and technical education
  • Integrated employment
  • Continuing/adult education
  • Adult services
  • Independent living
  • Community participation

The key to a successful transition is early and thoughtful planning. Students must be actively involved in the planning process.

Transition Planning is based upon:

  • Student's preferences
  • Student's interests
  • Student's needs
  • Student's strengths

Transition services include:

  • Activities needed to assist the student in reaching postsecondary goals
  • Courses of study

Who can participate in Transition planning?

  • Student
  • Parents or guardians
  • Special educator
  • Guidance counselor
  • CTE teacher
  • Vocational evaluator
  • Therapist
  • Adult agency services providers
  • Anyone who has a vested interest in the student's postsecondary activities

Transition Services provided in NNPS:

  • Informal transition assessments
  • Transition planning & attendance to IEP meetings
  • Career and technical course referrals
  • Referral source to local agencies
  • Transition data collection
  • Tours
    -- Versability of the VA Peninsula
    -- New Horizons Regional Education Center
    -- Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center

Transition Programs in NNPS:

  • Versability Supported Day Program
  • Versability Transition Computer Program
  • Career & Technical Education Programs
  • Career Evaluations
  • Practical Assessment Exploratory System (PAES Lab)
  • Work Experience (WE) I, II, III

Educational options after High School:

  • Community Colleges
  • Four-year Colleges
  • On-the-Job Training
  • Apprenticeships
  • Military Service
  • Adult Education
  • Technical Schools
  • Independent Living Skills

Web Resources

Community Resources

Versability Resources (Formerly known as The ARC of the Virginia Peninsula)
(757) 896-8446

Community Services Board (CSB)
(757) 788-0300

Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services (DARS)
(757) 865-4863

Eggleston Services
(757) 858-8011

Goodwill Industries of Hampton Roads
(757) 248-9405

Newport News Redevelopment & Housing Authority (NNRHA)
(757) 928-2620

Newport News Parks & Recreation
(757) 926-1400

New Horizons Regional Education Center (NHREC)
(757) 874-4444

Parent Educator Resource Center
(757) 591-4527

Peninsula Center for Independent Living (CIL)
(757) 827-0275

Peninsula Worklink One-Stop Career Center
(757) 766-4900

Youth Career Café
(757) 249-2104 (Patrick Henry Mall)

Work Experience I - Community-Based Instruction (CBI) Program