Human Resources
Dr. Nina Farrish, Director
12507 Warwick Blvd.
Newport News, VA 23606
(757) 881-5061
Job Descriptions
- Account Technician III - Admin
- Account Technician III - Federal Programs (Grant Funded)
- Account Technician III - School
- Accounting Support Specialist
- Accountability Assistant I
- Accountability Assistant II
- Accounting Support Specialist - Financial Reporting
- Accounting Support Specialist - General Accounting
- Administrative Assistant
- Administrative Secretary I
- Administrative Secretary II
- Administrative Secretary II - Booker T Washington
- Administrative Secretary III
- Administrative Secretary III - School Security
- Administrative Secretary III - Student Conduct and Discipline
- Administrative Secretary III - Student Leadership
- Administrative Secretary III - Youth Development
- Administrative Secretary IV - General
- Administrative Secretary IV - Special Education
- Administrative Secretary IV - Transportation
- Adult Basic Education Coordinator
- Adult Basic Ed Instructor
- Adult Basic Ed Trainer
- Adult Ed Clerical - GED
- Adult Ed Clerical - ISAEP
- Adult Ed ESL Instructor
- Area Cafeteria Supervisor
- Area Custodial Supervisor
- Area Key Driver
- Area Transportation Supervisor
- Art Teacher
- Art Therapist
- ASL Teacher
- Assessment Coordinator
- Assistant Accounting and Finance Support
- Assistant Athletic Director
- Assistant Baseball Coach
- Assistant Basketball Coach
- Assistant JV Football Coach
- Assistant Principal II
- Assistant Principal IV - Instruction
- Assistant Principal IV - Operations
- Assistant Principal - Secondary
- Assistant Procurement Specialist
- Assistant Soccer Coach
- Assistant Softball Coach
- Assistant Swimming Coach
- Assistant Track Coach (Indoor)
- Assistant Track Coach (Outdoor)
- Assistant Volleyball Coach
- Assistant Warehouse Manager
- Assistant Wrestling Coach
- Assistive Technology Service Provider
- Associate Teacher
- Athletic Director
- Attendance Officer
- Attendance Specialist
- Automotive Mechanic I
- Automotive Mechanic II
- Automotive Mechanic III
- Automotive Mechanic Crew Leader
- Automotive Tire Technician
- Aviation Instructor
- Aviation Instructor - Pilot
- Aviation Maintenance Tech Lab Assistant
- Behavior Support Coach
- Behavior Support Coach for BASE
- Behavioral Specialist
- Benefits Analyst
- Benefits Technician
- Benefits Technician - FMLA
- Biology Teacher
- Budget Analyst
- Budget & Finance Technician
- Bus & Automotive Maintenance Manager
- Bus Assistant
- Bus Driver
- Business Data Analyst - ERP
- Business Support Specialist
- Business Teacher
- Buyer
- Buyer Manager
- Cafeteria Manager I
- Cafeteria Manager II
- Cafeteria Manager in Training
- Cafeteria Monitor
- Carpenter Crew Leader
- Carpenter I
- Carpenter II
- Carpenter Supervisor
- Career Coach - Adult Ed
- Certified Athletic Trainer
- Cheerleader Coach
- Chemistry Teacher
- Chief Academic Officer
- Chief Financial Officer
- Chief Operations Officer
- Chief of Staff
- Chief Schools Officer
- Child Nutrition Business Manager
- Child Nutrition Custodian
- Child Nutrition Employee
- Child Nutrition Purchasing Assistant
- Child Nutrition Support Specialist
- Child Nutrition Support Technician
- Choice Neighborhoods Resource Assistant
- Choice Neighborhood Resource Specialist
- Clerk of Works
- Clinic Assistant
- College Career Specialist
- Community Relations Technician
- Compliance Support Specialist
- Contract Manager
- Cook - Baker I
- Cook - Baker II
- Coordinator - Active Benefits Retirement Services
- Coordinator - Applied Technology
- Coordinator - Community Relations & Graphic Design
- Coordinator - Community Relations & Marketing
- Coordinator - Compensation & Benefits
- Coordinator - Employee Relations
- Coordinator - Family and Community Engagement
- Coordinator - Instructional Staffing
- Coordinator - Instructional Technology
- Coordinator - HR Training and Development
- Coordinator - Payroll
- Coordinator - Print Shop, Mailroom & Warehouse
- Coordinator - Recruitment and Marketing
- Coordinator - School Leadership
- Coordinator - Special Education
- Coordinator - Student Conduct and Discipline
- Coordinator - Student Technology Support
- Coordinator - Substitute Management
- Coordinator - Support Services Staffing
- Coordinator - Teacher Credentialing
- Coordinator - Title I Programs
- Coordinator - Wellness and Retiree Benefits
- Courier
- Court Liaison - Student Conduct and Discipline
- Crossing Guard/Teacher Assistant
- Custodial Equipment Repair and Delivery Technician
- Custodial Training Specialist
- Custodian
- Data Analyst - Assessment and Analytics
- Data Specialist
- Database Administrator I
- Database Administrator II
- Digital Operator
- Director - Academic Enrichment and Intervention
- Director - Accounting and Finance
- Director - Administrator Learning and Leadership Development
- Director - Elementary Curriculum
- Director - Elementary School Leadership
- Director - Employee Expertise
- Director - Equity Assessment and Strategic Operations
- Director - Human Resources
- Director - Legal Services
- Director - Procurement
- Director - School Counseling
- Director - School Safety
- Director - Secondary School Leadership
- Director - Special Education
- Director - Student Athletics
- Dispatcher
- Drama Teacher
- Early Childhood Teacher
- Educational Interpreter National
- Educational Interpreter VQASIII
- Edulog Data Specialist
- Electrician Crew Leader
- Electrician - Journeyman
- Electrician - Master
- Electrician Supervisor
- Electrician Technician
- Elementary Adapted Physical Education Teacher
- Elementary Reading Specialist
- Elementary Teacher
- Engineering/Electronics Teacher
- English Teacher
- Equipment Repair Technician
- Equity Coordinator
- ESL Administrative Specialist
- ESL Assessment Specialist
- ESL Communication Liaison
- ESL Coordinator
- ESL Family Engagement Specialist
- ESL Family Engagement Specialist - Secondary
- ESL Instructional Specialist
- ESL Safe Coach
- ESL SAFE Coach - PT Grant Funded
- ESL Secondary Family Engagement Specialist
- ESL Teacher
- Executive Assistant to School Board and Superintendent
- Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
- Executive Director - Child Nutrition and Wellness
- Executive Director - Crisis Planning, Prevention, and Response
- Executive Director - Elementary School Leadership
- Executive Director - Plant Services
- Executive Director - Secondary School Leadership
- Executive Director - Special Education and Student Support Services
- Executive Director - Student Services
- Executive Director - Technology
- Executive Director - Transportation
- Executive Secretary
- Executive Secretary to Chief of Staff
- Executive Secretary to Chief Academic Officer
- Executive Secretary to Chief of Finance Operations
- Executive Secretary - Employee Expertise
- Executive Secretary - Human Resources
- Family & Consumer Science Teacher
- Family & Community Engagement Specialist
- Fire Security System Specialist III
- GED Assessment Specialist
- GED ISAEP Instructor
- Graduation Coach (Temporary, Grant Funded)
- Grant Accounts Analyst
- Grant Accounts Specialist
- Grant Management Specialist
- Grant Reimbursement Specialist
- Grant Technician
- Grant Technician - Federal Programs
- Grounds & Equipment Manager
- Head Baseball Coach
- Head Basketball Coach
- Head Cross Country Coach
- Head Field Hockey Coach
- Head Football Coach
- Head Golf Coach
- Head Gymnastics Coach
- Head Soccer Coach
- Head Softball Coach
- Head Swimming Coach
- Head Tennis Coach
- Head Track Coach (Indoor)
- Head Track Coach (Outdoor)
- Head Volleyball Coach
- Head Wrestling Coach
- Health & Medical Sciences Teacher
- Health & PE Teacher
- Hearing Officer
- High School Counseling Director
- Homeless Liaison Specialist
- Homeless Liaison Specialist - PT
- HS Band Director
- HS Choral Director
- HS Graduation Coach
- Human Resources Assistant
- Human Resources Information Systems Coordinator
- Human Resources Specialist
- Human Resources Specialist - Employee Relations
- Human Resources Specialist - Support Staff
- Human Resources Support Technician
- Human Resources Technician - Employee Relations
- Human Resources Technician - Instructional Staff
- Human Resources Technician - Support Services Staffing
- HVAC Crew Leader
- HVAC Control System Specialist
- HVAC Mechanic I
- HVAC Mechanic II
- HVAC Supervisor
- ILRC World Languages Teacher
- Information Security Analyst
- Information Systems Analyst I
- Information Systems Analyst II
- Information Systems Analyst III
- Instructional Assistant III - Special Education
- Instructional Assistant IV
- Instructional Assistant IV - Environmental Lab Assistant
- Instructional Assistant IV - PT
- Instructional Assistant IV - Special Education
- Instructional Assistant IV - Title I
- Instructional Behavior Specialist
- Instructional Coach - Dual Languages
- Instructional Coach - ESL Elementary
- Instructional Coach - ESL Secondary
- Instructional Coach - Literacy
- Instructional Coach - Mathematics
- Instructional Coach - PK
- Instructional Coach - Secondary
- Instructional Coach - Secondary English
- Instructional Coach - Secondary Math
- Instructional Coach - Secondary Science
- Instructional Coach - Special Education
- Instructional Coach - STEM
- Instructional Specialist - CTE
- Instructional Specialist - Dual Languages
- Instructional Specialist - Dual Language Education (GF)
- Instructional Specialist - Early Childhood Special Education
- Instructional Specialist - Elementary English
- Instructional Specialist - Elementary Literacy
- Instructional Specialist - Elementary Literacy Intervention
- Instructional Specialist - Elementary Math
- Instructional Specialist - Elementary Science and Social Studies
- Instructional Specialist - Health and PE
- Instructional Specialist - Preschool
- Instructional Specialist - Secondary English
- Instructional Specialist - Secondary Science
- Instructional Specialist - Social Studies
- Instructional Specialist - SPED
- Instructional Specialist - Visual and Performing Arts
- Instructional Specialist - World Language Education
- Instructional Supervisor - CTE
- Instructional Supervisor - Elementary
- Instructional Supervisor - Elementary Mathematics
- Instructional Supervisor - Elementary Science and Social Studies
- Instructional Supervisor - ESL
- Instructional Supervisor - Health & PE
- Instructional Supervisor - Federal Programs
- Instructional Supervisor - School Improvement
- Instructional Supervisor - Secondary English
- Instructional Supervisor - Secondary Mathematics
- Instructional Supervisor - Secondary Science
- Instructional Supervisor - Social Studies
- Instructional Supervisor - Visual & Performing Arts
- Instructional Supervisor - World & Dual Languages
- Instructional Technology Coach
- Interventionist
- ISAEP High School Recovery Program Specialist
- Jail Adult Basic Ed Instructor
- Junior ERP Database Applications Analyst
- Junior Network Engineer
- JV Cheerleader Coach
- K-12 Administrative Coach
- Landscape Shop Supervisor
- Landscaper
- Landscaper Crew Leader
- Landscaper Lead Worker
- Language Arts Teacher
- Large Format Print Operator
- Lead Custodian I
- Lead Custodian II
- Lead Education Interpreter
- Lead Media Specialist
- Lead School Nurse
- Lead School Security Officer
- Lead Social Worker
- Lead Teacher
- Lead Teacher - Special Programs
- Lead Teacher - SPED
- Lead Technology Support Specialist
- Locksmith
- Mail Room Manager
- Master Bus Assistant
- Master Bus Assistant I
- Master Bus Assistant II
- Master Bus Driver
- Master Bus Driver I
- Master Bus Driver II
- Master Trainer (Transportation)
- Math Interventionist
- Mathematics Teacher
- McKinney-Vento & Family Outreach Specialist
- Mechanical Systems Engineer
- Media Assistant I
- Media Specialist
- Media TV Programming Coordinator
- Mental Health Grant Facilitator for STOP School Violence
- Middle School Teacher
- Military Connected Family Support Specialist
- Music Teacher
- Navy JROTC Instructor
- Network Engineer
- Network Specialist I
- Network Specialist II
- Network Specialist III
- NN Foundation Liaison
- NWB Case Manager
- NWB Case Worker
- Office Assistant I
- Office Assistant II
- Online Learning Systems Specialist
- Operations and Business Support Specialist
- Orchestra Teacher
- Painter Crew Leader
- Painter I
- Painter II
- Painter Supervisor
- PALS Tutor
- Parent Resource Specialist
- Payroll Analyst
- Payroll Assistant
- Payroll System Analyst
- Payroll Specialist
- PK-12 Leadership Coach
- Plant Services Support Specialist
- Plumber I
- Plumber II
- Plumber Supervisor
- Plumbing Crew Leader
- Position Control Specialist
- Principal - Deer Park Elementary School
- Principal - Elementary
- Principal - High School
- Principal - Middle School
- Procurement Card Program Manager
- Procurement Specialist
- Procurement Technician
- Production Specialist
- Professional Learning Specialist
- Program Admin Engineering & Climate Control
- Program Administrator II - Arts and Communication at WSHS
- Program Administrator II - Elementary BASE
- Program Administrator II - High School
- Program Administrator II - IB/Governor's Health Sciences
- Program Administrator II - STEM
- Program Administrator III - Point Option
- Program Administrator III - Student Conduct and Discipline
- Project SEARCH Instructor
- Reading Interventionist
- Reading Specialist
- Reading Specialist - SIG Grant
- Recess Monitor
- Records Management Specialist I
- Records Management Specialist II
- Records Manager
- Referrals and Compliance Specialist
- Regional Adult Education Specialist
- Regional Program Administrator
- Registrar
- Response to Instruction Specialist
- Response to Intervention Specialist
- Response to Intervention Specialist - SIG Grant Funded
- Roofing Shop Supervsior
- ROTC Instructor - Air Force
- Schedule Specialist
- School Based Student Success Specialist
- School Counselor
- School Guidance Director
- School Nurse
- School Nursing Specialist
- School Psychologist
- School Psychologist Intern
- School Security Officer
- School Social Worker
- Science Teacher
- Secretary I
- Secretary II - Transportation
- Secretary III - CTE & Career Pathways
- Secretary III - Curriculum and Instruction
- Secretary III - Custodial Services
- Secretary III - General
- Secretary III - Operations
- Security Coordinator
- Security Specialist
- Security Systems Administrator
- Senior Accounting Analyst
- Senior Budget Analyst
- Senior Custodian
- Senior ERP Systems Analyst
- Senior Executive Secretary
- Senior Financial Analyst
- Senior Network Engineer
- Senior Procurement Specialist
- Senior Technology Business Analyst
- Sheet Metal Roofer Crew Leader
- Sheet Metal Roofer I
- Sheet Metal Roofer II
- Social Media and Content Specialist
- Social Studies Teacher
- Special Assistant to the Superintendent
- Special Ed Teacher
- Speech Language Pathologist
- Sports Medicine Teacher - Athletic Trainer
- STEM Instructional Specialist_GF
- Storekeeper Assistant Supervisor - Transportation
- Storekeeper I - Plant Services
- Storekeeper II - Plant Services
- Storekeeper I-Transportation
- Storekeeper II - Transportation
- Storekkeeper III - Transportation
- Student Athletics Specialist
- Student Discipline Compliance Specialist
- Student Information System Specialist III
- Student Involvement Specialist
- Student Support Assistant I
- Student Support Assistant II
- Student Support Assistant - Adult ED
- Student Support Specialist
- Student Support Specialist - Grant Funded
- Student Support Specialist - Homebound
- Substitute Bus Driver
- Substitute CNS Worker
- Substitute School Administrator, Elementary
- Substitute School Administrator, Secondary
- Substitute Secretary
- Substitute Secretary - SIS Certified
- Substitute Teacher
- Substitute Teacher Assistant
- Supervisor - Academic Planning and Data Analysis
- Supervisor - Accounting
- Supervisor - Budget
- Supervisor - Child Nutrition Services & Wellness
- Supervisor - Compensation & Benefits
- Supervisor - Custodial Services
- Supervisor - Employee Relations
- Supervisor - Employment Services
- Supervisor - Environmental Safety
- Supervisor - Facilities Project Management - Plant Services
- Supervisor - Financial Reporting & Asset Management
- Supervisor - General Accounting & Risk Management
- Supervisor - Health Services
- Supervisor - IEP_504_Plans
- Supervisor - Information System Services
- Supervisor - Instructional Technology
- Supervisor - Juvenile Detention
- Supervisor - Library Media Services
- Supervisor - Online Learning Systems
- Supervisor - Payroll
- Supervisor - Plant Services
- Supervisor - Point Option
- Supervisor - Procurement
- Supervisor - Psychological Services and Social Emotional Learning
- Supervisor - School Security
- Supervisor - School Security and Emergency Management
- Supervisor - Special Education
- Supervisor - Special Education, HI-VI-SLP
- Supervisor - Special Education, Adapted Curriculum Programs
- Supervisor - Special Education, Pre K-12
- Supervisor - Student Advancement
- Supervisor - Student Information Systems
- Supervisor - Student Services and Support
- Supervisor - Student Supports Eligibility and Regulations
- Supervisor - Summer & Enrichment Programs
- Supervisor - Technical Integration and Innovation
- Supervisor - Technology Infrastructure
- Supervisor - Technology Operations
- Supervisor - Technology Support Services
- Supervisor - Testing
- Supervisor - Transportation
- Supervisor - Youth Development
- Supply Assistant Supervisor
- Supply and Logistics Supervisor
- Systems Administrator I
- Systems Administrator II
- Systems Administrator III
- Systems Administrator IV
- Teacher Coach
- Teacher Coach - Secondary
- Teacher Interventionist
- Teacher iStem
- Teacher iSTEM Secondary
- Technical Assistant I
- Technical Assistant II
- Technical Assistant III
- Technical Support Specialist I
- Technical Support Specialist II
- Technical Support Specialist III
- Technology Education Teacher
- Technology Infrastructure Specialist I
- Technology Infrastructure Specialist II
- Technology Infrastructure Specialist III
- Television Broadcast Engineer
- Testing Analyst
- Therapist - LCSW/LPC
- Tile Mechanic I
- Transportation Bus & Automotive Specialist
- Transportation Information Systems Analyst
- Transportation Non-CDL Bus Driver
- Transportation Safety Specialist
- Transportation Training and Safety Specialist
- Treatment Nurse-LPN
- TV Master Control Operator
- Video Production Technician
- Virtual Learning Specialist
- ViSSTA Site Coordinator
- VLA School Counselor
- VLA Student Support Specialist
- VLA Teacher