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Visual Supports

Visual symbols such as objects, photos, drawings and text can support the expressive and receptive communicative needs of many individuals with developmental disabilities and learning disabilities.

Instructional Supports

Visual Symbol Sets Comparison

Zac Browser is the first web browser developed specifically for children with autism, and autism spectrum disorders such as Asperger syndrome, pervasive developmental disorders (PDD), and PDD-NOS. We have made this browser for the children – for their enjoyment, enrichment, and freedom. Children touch it, use it, play it, interact with it, and experience independence through it.

Behavioral Supports

Visual Supports for behavior management can be used to increase on task behavior and reduce the number of interfering behaviors.

Understanding the Relationship Between Communication and Behavior- Children with communication delays often exhibit challenging behaviors when their needs are not met. There are many types of communication disorders—some involve difficulty in the area of receiving and understanding information while some include problems or delays in expressing and articulating information.