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Adding Endorsements

Note: All forms mentioned here can be found in the Licensure Forms tab. To be considered official, transcripts must be sent directly to the licensure coordinator from the institution (electronically or via mail). The institution can also mail the transcripts or the employee may provide transcripts to HR in the original sealed envelope. Photocopies and transcripts sent electronically to the employee are also not official. If you earned a new degree, please include a note with your paperwork indicating that you need a pay adjustment.

Please do not use an online application (e-GOV or VALO) to add an endorsement to an existing CP or PGP license.

You can add most endorsements to your current license by passing the corresponding Praxis Exam, paying the appropriate fee, and completing an NNPS Licensure Request Form. The HR Licensure Coordinator needs to receive all required documents.

Click here for a complete list of endorsement requirements.

The information above does not apply to the following:

  • Early/primary education PreK-3
  • Elementary education PreK-6 endorsement
  • Special education endorsements
  • Reading Specialist endorsement
  • Admin & Supervision PreK-12

It also does not apply to those who hold a:

  • Technical Professional License
  • Vocational Evaluator License
  • Pupil Personnel Services License
  • School Manager License
  • Division Superintendent License

Admin & Supervision PreK-12 Requirements

Reading Specialist

Gifted Endorsement

Add a Degree to License (Master's, Educational Specialist, Doctorate)

  • Official Transcripts reflecting a conferred degree
  • NNPS License Request form
  • Receipt of Payment
  • Contact your HR staffing coordinator to update pay (if applicable)

Click here to view more information on endorsement requirements.