NNPS Teaching & Learning
Kipp Rogers, Ph.D.
Chief Academic Officer
Darrell Pankratz
Executive Director
Secondary Teaching & Learning and K-12 Programs
Lori Wall
Elementary Teaching & Learning
Phone: (757) 283-7850

Model Teachers: Kindergarten
Meet this model teacher team and learn how college, career and citizen-ready skills come alive in their classrooms!
Holly Berry
Grade: Kindergarten
School: Richneck Elementary
Years Taught: 11
Why are you passionate about supporting fellow teachers?
I know how important it is to have support surrounding you as a teacher, and I have always enjoyed being that support for other others. In my personal experience, I know that teachers can be much more successful and reduce our stress levels when we know there's someone nearby to offer an encouraging word.
What do you love most about teaching?
My favorite part about teaching is fostering independence in little ones and seeing them progress over the course of the school year. It is amazing to witness kindergarteners go from having lower confidence levels to consistently trying the "hard stuff." Teaching can be very challenging, but knowing children come to school every day excited to see me and each other makes it a bit easier.
Jasmine Belmont
Grade: Kindergarten
School: An Achievable Dream Elementary
Years Taught: 12
What do you love most about teaching?
I love to see the growth at the end of the year. Being in kindergarten, I get to see students who come in knowing absolutely nothing and leave full of knowledge. I especially love when they finally start to "get it" when it comes to writing, when they begin to form words by using what they are learning.
What word best describes you as a teacher and why?
I am a creative and energetic teacher that loves hands on activities and crafts.
Joyce Oberthal
Grade: Kindergarten
School: Carver Elementary
Years Taught: 39
Why are you passionate about supporting fellow teachers?
Even though I have been teaching for a long time, I always feel like there are new things I can learn and new approaches to organizing a classroom or to instruction that will help to improve my own practice. I wish there were someone I could have gone to see or talk to about strategies that work in the classroom when I was a young teacher. I am happy to share what I know, and I am always interested in learning something in return.
What do you love most about teaching?
I love seeing children becoming. Becoming better at a skill, becoming a better friend, or becoming better organized. Children have so much potential and they are so full of hope and optimism for the future. I want to help them to be able to become the very best version of themselves they can be.
Meet Our Model Teachers
Elementary School
Middle School
High School