NNPS Teaching & Learning
Kipp Rogers, Ph.D.
Chief Academic Officer
Darrell Pankratz
Executive Director
Secondary Teaching & Learning and K-12 Programs
Lori Wall
Elementary Teaching & Learning
Phone: (757) 283-7850

Model Teachers:
Middle School Social Studies
Meet this model teacher team and learn how college, career and citizen-ready skills come alive in their classrooms!
Krysten Stallard
Content: Social Studies 6
School: Gildersleeve Middle
Years Taught: 25
Why are you passionate about supporting fellow teachers?
I am passionate about supporting fellow teachers because I remember what it was like to be new. I like collaborating with teachers because sharing ideas and bouncing things off one another sparks creativity, which leads to engaging instruction for students. After all, we're here for STUDENTS.
After more than two decades in the classroom, I feel I have many tools in my "toolbox" that teachers can take back to their classrooms. I enjoy attending professional developments and classroom observations that provide me with strategies and materials that I can immediately use in my class.
What word best describes you as a teacher and why?
I can't pick one! Energetic, Collaborator, Entertaining.
Shonda Todd
Content: Social Studies 7
School: BT Washington Middle
Years Taught: 10
Why are you passionate about supporting fellow teachers?
I am passionate about supporting fellow teachers because I want to see everyone win. I want to share my love of and enthusiasm for educating. I want others to be inspired after sharing their content. I want to share best practices and the joy of connecting with students and building relationships. Knowing the content is great, but connecting and setting up a situation where others are inspired to learn what you love is the most rewarding accomplishment.
What word best describes you as a teacher and why?
Energetic is the word that comes to mind. Every day I have the opportunity to influence someone to fall in love with education, school, or history. I literally attempt to bring history alive. I am animated and enthused. I have high energy to keep the students engaged, sometimes entertained, and always involved. Students anticipate and try to predict what I am going to do, say, sing, or model each class. It's an environment where students feel comfortable to be vulnerable and take risks. The classroom is managed because no one wants to be the one that disrupts the "show." I truly believe that education can be fun in any subject. My hook is the energy; it reels them in and I keep them engaged with activities that they can connect with. I want my students to leave my classroom feeling that they have been impacted in a positive way. The joy and energy make it easy to build trust and maintain positive relationships.
Why do you love working in NNPS?
NNPS took a chance on me when all I had was an expired provisional license and promise. I have always felt so supported while working with NNPS. I have worked as daily sub, long-term sub, temporary teacher, and finally a contracted teacher. On this long journey, I have had so many mentors that have not allowed me to settle or give up. I have learned so many valuable lessons; I learned how to become a successful teacher. So many people that have trained me, modeled best practices for me, and pulled me up. I want to do the same for someone else. This district is like a family. I really feel like I am seen and that I make a difference. There is no other district like Newport News. I may not have started in this district, but this is the place where I am supposed to be. I belong here and I want to reciprocate and return all that has been given to me over the past 10 years.
Kathryn Silva
Content: Social Studies 8
School: Gildersleeve Middle
Years Taught: 10
What do you love most about teaching?
Building relationships with kids and watching their “Ah ha!” moments. I love working with the students and helping them learn and grow.
What is the best way to describe your classroom on a typical day?
Busy, interactive, and focused. Students have something to do from the minute they enter until the minute they leave.
What word best describes you as a teacher and why?
Passionate. Education is important to me personally and professionally. I want my students to see me embrace my enthusiasm and passion for learning and, hopefully, learn to embrace their own.
Emily Andrews
Content: Social Studies 8
School: Hines Middle
Years Taught: 9
Why are you passionate about supporting fellow teachers?
I am passionate about supporting fellow teachers because I felt that I was not given adequate support when I entered teaching in another district in Virginia. I felt very much on my own in that situation, which did make it challenging to continually commit to the profession. Data has shown that a high percentage of new teachers leave the profession within 5 years of teaching. I think the amount of support they get is related to this.
In contrast, I have received so much support since joining NNPS. There is a large network of people and supports here. I benefited so much from spending a day observing and debriefing with a model teacher when I first started in the district 5 years ago. Being a part of this system of support is the reason I applied for and have continued to serve as a lead teacher at Hines and why I would love the opportunity to be a model teacher.
What is the best way to describe your classroom on a typical day?
Buzzy. I use this word because I am a high energy teacher and I think that contributes to having a high energy classroom (which is good 95% of the time, but sometimes we need to bring it down). I love having students work in partners or groups, having them do "walk-around activities" where there are stations or activities around the room that they need to work on, or having them participate during direct instruction so that we all get to hear each other’s ideas about what we are learning. This environment is one I really like and enjoy getting to spend my day in.
Meet Our Model Teachers
Elementary School
Middle School
High School